Hi, I plan to file N-400 application. But back in 2002, I got a citation for an accident. Nobody get hurts. No charge was filed by the other party. I was not arrested or anything. The policewoman gave me a criminal citation on it. I hired an attoney for the hearing. The charge is dismissed. The attoney told me that time no record is filed on the case.
My question is that
Should I mention this in my application? If do, where can I get a record on this information? since it is a while ago, I want to get more accurate picture on what happened to this case. I do not remember the name of my attorney. So anybody has any advice?
My question is that
Should I mention this in my application? If do, where can I get a record on this information? since it is a while ago, I want to get more accurate picture on what happened to this case. I do not remember the name of my attorney. So anybody has any advice?