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Citizenship with Form N600K through Grandparents

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  • Citizenship with Form N600K through Grandparents

    My parents were born in the US and lived there until they were 22, when they moved to Canada and have lived there ever since.
    I was born in Canada. I received US Citizenship through my mother.
    I have never lived in the US.
    I would like to get my Canadian born children US Citizenship through their grandmother (my mother). Is this possible with the Form N600K?
    If it is possible, does Part 3 "Information about the Child's US Citizen Biological Parent" need to be completed?
    I do not have a Certificate of Citizenship, I only have an expired US Passport and a Social Security Card. Will this be a problem?
    Any information would be most helpful, thank you.

  • #2
    Yes. It's not a problem. You don't need to have a Certificate of Citizenship.

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.





