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Residence in the United States

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  • Residence in the United States

    Hello. I have a green card since November, 2012 and I am a resident of Florida since 2013 (the same address during 6 years). This summer I spent 2 months abroad. I returned to the USA 08/11/2019 to Florida, the same address. May I apply for N-400 now? I can not understand clearly the rule about 3 months in the district of residence. Thank you!

    (5) Residence during absences of less than one year. (i) An applicant's residence during any absence of less than one year shall continue to be the State or Service district where the applicant last resided at the time of the applicant's departure abroad.

    (ii) Return to the United States. If, upon returning to the United States, an applicant returns to the State or Service district where the applicant last resided, the applicant will have complied with the continuous residence requirement specified in ยง316.2(a)(5) when at least three months have elapsed, including any part of the applicant's absence, from the date on which the applicant first established that residence. If the applicant establishes residence in a State or Service district other than the one in which he or she last resided, the applicant must complete three months at that new residence to be eligible for naturalization.




