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Requesting Tax Return Transcripts using Form 4506-T. Is it $50 per year?

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  • Requesting Tax Return Transcripts using Form 4506-T. Is it $50 per year?

    For citizenship interview, I requested Tax Return Transcripts for the past three years (using this link https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript).
    However, two more prior years are not accessible from online nor phone.

    I saw the previous post that you can order using the Form 4506-T.

    1) From the instruction, it looks like I need to pay $50 per year? which means $100 for requesting two years of records ?
    Is this correct?

    2) Federal tax transcripts are sufficient, right? No need to bring State Tax returns? (I'll bring my own copy of returns anyways though).

    Thank you

  • #2
    You can order your tax transcripts online and doesn’t cost nothing.

    Provides information about how to access your transcripts/tax records online or by mail.


    • #3
      More information https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/what-ta...nd-transcripts


      • #4
        Yes, I requested the tax transcripts online, however, only previous 3 years were available.

        1) How do I request the remaining 2 more years?
        If it requires using Form 4506-T. Is it $50 per year?

        2) Or would it suffice to print "other types" that are available?
        I see "Account Transcript" and "Wage & Income Transcript" in the last 2 more years.






