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N400 eligibility

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  • N400 eligibility

    I got my conditional green card 3 years ago. I applied for removal of conditions last year.

    For the last two years I was doing contract jobs in a different state. I leased apartments or lived in a shared accommodation as it was cheaper than staying in a hotel for the durations of my projects. But my primary residence is with my spouse where we filed joint taxes. We are still living together happily.

    Can I apply for citizenship based on marriage with my spouse? Someone told me that I cannot as I was living out of the state. But I used to come back every two weeks (I have air tickets, joint tax returns, photographs, common bank accounts).

    Please share your experience or tell me if I can apply for citizenship or not.

    Are there good attorneys available online for consultation?

  • #2
    Yes you can apply for citizen ship. When u apply u have to share all the addresses you have lived at from the time you became a Green Card holder


    • #3





