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N-600 Questions

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  • N-600 Questions

    I have a questions on Part 3 - Question 5 of N600 application for my son . Confused on what to answer.

    He originally entered USA when he was 3 months old on L2 visa, travelled to India many times and subsequently got his green card in April 2005, after which he travelled to india and back to USA. He has 2 Indian passports – one is expired. Currently he is a derivative US citizen and thinking of applying for a certificate of citizenship for him.


    A> Port of entry /date - What should be answer be ? He first entry into US with a H4 visa or the latest entry with green card.

    B >Passport number – Latest passport number right?

    C > I entered as a

    An immigrant ( lawful permanent resident) using am immigrant visa ?
    A nonimmigrant

    What should I answer for him ?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    You probably don't need this info anymore but

    They need to determine his lawful permanent resident (greencard) date and the POE code on the card. As an L nonimmigrant did you all adjust? It might actually be an office code if you adjusted here.

    It is good that you are getting your child's status updated with USCIS. Filing the N-600 gets them to update their computer and well, government computer talk to each other. Have you gheard of E-Verify for employers to check new hire's eligibility to work. The SAVE system is used by benefit granting agencies in local areas for medicaid, medical, TANF, food stamps, or schools or student loan organizations might check for status.

    And if he ever got in trouble with the law later in life, having his staus available to ICE and CBP would preveny immigration detention or deportation A bunch of young adults find out the hard way that having a question as to their citizenship can have them going before and Immigration judge.

    Tell all your friends.






