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CRBA - How to document that I will support financially til age 18?

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  • CRBA - How to document that I will support financially til age 18?


    This is related to a previous post I made here:

    Hi, I have 8 year old son in Moscow. The mother is Russian. He was born in Moscow while I was in the military, stationed overseas. After I decided to not marry the mother, she has made things difficult in terms of me spending time with him, etc. I am actually in court now, to get my name added to the birth certificate, and

    For a while I had no traction on a CRBA because I didn't have a birth cert. with my name on it. I now received one after going through court in Moscow.

    Because I am a foreigner, when we were in court the mother didn't ask for alimony. I suspect her lawyer told her how difficult it would be to enforce alimony in the manner that courts view alimony. That is, with bank accounts linked, enforcement, etc. That plus the fact that I think the money I have been sending on my own accord is more than what a court would decide.

    In court, I gave a speech, and part of that was an oral promise to make monthly payments til my son is 18. He is 8. Since 2014 I have been sending money monthly to his mother via PayPal (on avg equivalent of about $500, which is more . I have copies of all transactions. Before that I simply gave his mother cash every time I saw her.

    After I got the birth cert. I opened a bank account in Moscow in my son's name. I put about 7,000 rubles a month there (a little over $100). In parallel, I am now sending to his mother 35,000 rubles a month. These two actions are what I promised in court.

    So I was wondering, what do I need to do in order to meet the CRBA requirement for documenting my financial support? Could I just write a statement of my intention and have it notarized?


  • #2
    As part of the forms the consulate will have you fill out to apply for the CRBA, will be pages where you sign acknowledging paternity, and where you sign agreeing to support your son until 18. I believe there is nothing else you need to do to meet the requirement other than signing the forms the consulate gives you.

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.


    • #3
      Ok, great, thanks!





