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Civic test passed but decision not yet made

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  • Civic test passed but decision not yet made


    on 19th I got passed in civic and English test, at the time of filing the application for the question “ Do You support constitution and form of government “ by mistake I choose No but for the rest of question have chosen Yes . During the interview the officer asked me and I got totally confused. Later she changed the answer as Yes and she took my signature for the same. After the interview she gave me the letter saying decision not yet made and not sure how long it may take. She took my signature for the name change also .

    I just crossed my fingers, can anyone please tell me what are the possibilities.


  • #2
    It’s ok. This outcome happens very often, so don’t be alarmed. Usually you’d hear from them in a few weeks, maybe a month or two with your approval. Unless they have a really good reason to deny you. Don’t worry about that mistake you made. Choosing the wrong option on accident happens extremely frequently.


    • #3
      Originally posted by aswarthakumar View Post

      on 19th I got passed in civic and English test, at the time of filing the application for the question “ Do You support constitution and form of government “ by mistake I choose No but for the rest of question have chosen Yes . During the interview the officer asked me and I got totally confused. Later she changed the answer as Yes and she took my signature for the same. After the interview she gave me the letter saying decision not yet made and not sure how long it may take. She took my signature for the name change also .

      I just crossed my fingers, can anyone please tell me what are the possibilities.

      I had my interview on July 09, still no update, FO St louis, MO





