I was trying to fill Section 5 in N400 application and have following question when filling Home address. I worked as independent consultant(self employed) for 2 years and as such I maintained 2 residencies (Leased apt in Texas - Home and leased another apt in Arizona - client location) at the same time and approximately for equal amount of duration (overlapping times as I had work from Home option also).
More details :
Between Jan 2008 and June 2009, I was living ~ 50-50% in both Arizona and Texas due to reasons mentioned above.
I was holding Arizona license during that period and some credit card statements had Arizona address and others had Texas address.
For the year 2008 (Jan - Dec) taxes, I have provided Texas address.
So, which address should I put as my home address between Jan 2008 and June 2009 ?
Or should I make 2 entries with both addresses for the same period ?
Can I please know what does the BCIS use this address history for ?
If they are verifying address history against IRS, then I can use Texas address as thats the record IRS had.
If they are verifying address history against drivers license/crime, then I can use Arizona address as I had that state license.
Any clarification would be appreciated.
I was trying to fill Section 5 in N400 application and have following question when filling Home address. I worked as independent consultant(self employed) for 2 years and as such I maintained 2 residencies (Leased apt in Texas - Home and leased another apt in Arizona - client location) at the same time and approximately for equal amount of duration (overlapping times as I had work from Home option also).
More details :
Between Jan 2008 and June 2009, I was living ~ 50-50% in both Arizona and Texas due to reasons mentioned above.
I was holding Arizona license during that period and some credit card statements had Arizona address and others had Texas address.
For the year 2008 (Jan - Dec) taxes, I have provided Texas address.
So, which address should I put as my home address between Jan 2008 and June 2009 ?
Or should I make 2 entries with both addresses for the same period ?
Can I please know what does the BCIS use this address history for ?
If they are verifying address history against IRS, then I can use Texas address as thats the record IRS had.
If they are verifying address history against drivers license/crime, then I can use Arizona address as I had that state license.
Any clarification would be appreciated.