I've gained such great info from this site, I thought I'd sign up as a member to share my immigration experience with others. However, I'm stuck on something... Please help! I've had a good look around the forum and can't find the answer I'm looking for...
I'm filing my N-400 (Marriage based) and all is fine apart from Part 7.
A. How many total days did you spend outside of the United States during the past 5 years?
Well, my application is marriage based, so; I haven't been here permanently for 5 years.
I became a conditional permanent resident in Jan 2008, removed my conditions successfully, and became a permanent green card holder in Jan this year.
I have also been married for over 3 years.
However, if I answer the question truthfully, I've spent more than 6 months OUTSIDE of the USA in the last 5 years.
How do I answer this question?
I am within my 90 days to file.
Thanks so much!
I'm filing my N-400 (Marriage based) and all is fine apart from Part 7.
A. How many total days did you spend outside of the United States during the past 5 years?
Well, my application is marriage based, so; I haven't been here permanently for 5 years.
I became a conditional permanent resident in Jan 2008, removed my conditions successfully, and became a permanent green card holder in Jan this year.
I have also been married for over 3 years.
However, if I answer the question truthfully, I've spent more than 6 months OUTSIDE of the USA in the last 5 years.
How do I answer this question?
I am within my 90 days to file.
Thanks so much!