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Name Change Help : Changed during n400; help requested

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  • Name Change Help : Changed during n400; help requested

    Hi all. I have a request and would be greatful if someone can help please.

    My wife requested a change of name during her Civic Interview. She has since got her naturalization certificate with her changed name. She now wishes to get back to her maiden name. Can someone help with this.

    Is it possible to void the name change for her? or does she have to go through the cort process to change the name. Much appreciate anyone's views.

  • #2
    She needs to get a legal name change in court. After that she needs to submit a form N-565 (with fee), the original natz cert, and new name change order to get a new cert in the desired name.

    This usually happens to young folks who Americanize their name and their parents get mad at them.


    • #3
      Why is a replacement n-565 required. Wouldn't it be easier to apply for the passport, get that done with. then get the name change and reapply for a new passport based on the changed name?





