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Petition for Dual Citizenship to Govt of India

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  • Petition for Dual Citizenship to Govt of India

    Dear friends,
    No one can take the India, our of us? Agree? Its emotionally painful to drop Indian citizenship while we acquire non-Indian Citizenship of any other country. I did some research, and there is ABSOLUTELY no reason why India cannot grant dual citizenship. For example USA allows dual citizenship with 64 countries and many countries does the same. I feel it is simply the bureaucracy and the government never paid any attention to this. Recently the Indian Ambassador to USA Sri Jai Shankar announced in the parliament that some 6+ crore Indians renounced their Indian Citizenship and this number is going to grow. I am sure each one of us want to keep the citizenship of motherland no matter where we go. This is a policy matter in the sense the Government of India has to pass law. If not many countries, they can at least begin dual citizenship with few countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia where most of the Indians are.
    I would like to start an online petition addressing Govt requesting an action. Something like raising a petition on change.org and collecting the signatures , targeting at least a million signature then submitting the petition to the Prime minister's office. I would like to how many of you interested in something like this?

  • #2
    Originally posted by UUBhaskar View Post
    there is ABSOLUTELY no reason why India cannot grant dual citizenship. For example USA allows dual citizenship with 64 countries and many countries does the same.
    1. Doesn’t the constitution of India prevent dual citizenship.

    2. The USA allows dual citizenship with all countries.


    • #3
      1. Yes, it needs a policy change via a law. Hence the petition to the Govt of India and the PMO.
      2. Not true. Please google. US allows dual citizenship with only certain countries.





