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Birth certificate of children needed?

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  • Birth certificate of children needed?

    I am applying for my mother who is a 85+ years of age.
    In one of the sections on the form they are asking for birth certificates of all her children. I can easily upload my birth certificate but for my siblings overseas, it would be hard to get their birth certificates.
    Is this section mandatory? How hard do I need to try to get the birth certificate of these siblings?

  • #2
    What section of what form asks for this?

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.


    • #3
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      • #4
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        Last edited by maheshgajanan; 07-11-2023, 03:57 PM.


        • #5
          Just read the instructions myself and this is definitely a confusing one! I am no expert but happy to tell you what I personally think/ would do.

          I see that the birth certificates requirements fall under the following section: "7. Other Documents. Depending on the circumstances, you should bring certain documents to your interview. You may also submit copies of these documents with your application. For example:"

          If you had a child under the age of 18 who is also a PR they automatically become a citizen when their parent becomes a citizen. Therefore I would assume this is when the Officer would definitely want to see the birth certificates of the applicants children in order to confirm that they are definitely under the age of 18 and that the applicant is the actual mother/father. As i'm guessing all your siblings are over the age of 18 this would not apply to them and therefore I don't think the Officer would care about seeing all your siblings birth certificates.

          Likewise, the line states "Such Evidence may include: birth certificates". This makes me further believe its not the be all and end all to submit them. A little further down another example of evidence is a notarized letter.

          While I don't think your siblings birth certificates are necessary (as I assume they are all over the age of 18) this is what I would personally do to just cover myself just incase evidence is needed.

          I would get someone who knows your mother and get them to write a letter/affidavit stating how many years they have known your mother (the longer the better) and that they attest that your mother is this age and was married however many times and the husbands names are (add name/names), that they had this many children and then name the children, who the father of the child was and when they were born and then get that letter/affidavit notarized and submit it as evidence.

          worse comes to worse and they do actually need the birth certificates (personally i dont think they will want them) the only thing this would do is delay your mothers application but not deny it. Maybe give your siblings a heads up to look for their birth certificates and send a scan copy over.

          Hope this helps


          • #6
            Good points! All that makes sense. I appreciate your thoughts on this.





