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Applying for citizenship after staying 30 months in the US

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  • Applying for citizenship after staying 30 months in the US

    Good morning you all, I have a question to ask. Trying to apply citizenship for my Dad in January 2024. He will complete his 30 months in total in the US. I got his green card back in September 2019. So I have to wait until September 2024 or I can apply in January 2024 because in total he will complete his presence in the US for 30 months.
    date of traveling:

    Got his green card on 09/17/19
    he traveled outside of US on 01/15/20
    He travelled back into us on 04/27/21
    Travel out of US on 10/31/22
    He is in the US since 04/18/23

  • #2
    There are two separate requirements: continuous residence and physical presence. He needs to have had continuous residence as a permanent resident for the last 5 years, and has physical presence in the US for half (30 months) of those 5 years. So he needs to wait until 2024. He can apply up to 90 days before completing the continuous residence requirement (so as soon as June 19, 2024) if he satisfies all the other requirements at the time of filing.

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.


    • #3
      Originally posted by akki1 View Post
      Good morning you all, I have a question to ask. Trying to apply citizenship for my Dad in January 2024. He will complete his 30 months in total in the US. I got his green card back in September 2019. So I have to wait until September 2024 or I can apply in January 2024 because in total he will complete his presence in the US for 30 months.
      date of traveling:

      Got his green card on 09/17/19
      he traveled outside of US on 01/15/20
      He travelled back into us on 04/27/21
      Travel out of US on 10/31/22
      He is in the US since 04/18/23
      There are distinct criteria involved: continuous residence and physical presence. To meet the eligibility criteria, he must have maintained continuous residence as a permanent resident for the past 5 years, coupled with a physical presence in the US for at least half of that duration (30 months). Consequently, he will be eligible to apply in 2024. It's noteworthy that he can initiate the application process up to 90 days before fulfilling the continuous residence requirement, allowing him to apply as early as June 19, 2024, provided all other conditions are met at the time of filing.
      Last edited by Eva55; 11-26-2023, 05:19 PM.


      • #4
        Thank you all 🙏🏽


        • #5





