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N400 interview completed

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  • N400 interview completed

    Hello guys! I wanna give you an update about my N400 interview. I arrived 30 minutes before my interview. I waited for almost 2 hours to be called. An officer finally called my name and then she told me to have a seat she will be calling me again. I saw her calling another lady instead. It was a little bit weird. I waited 20 minutes then a male officer called me. I went in, he swore me then started with the civic test, he told me congratulations I passed. Then he went to my application. He made me sign on the screen and asked me if everything was correct. He asked me to sign another one saying it’s for my oath ceremony.
    Because I had an arrest without conviction in 2020, he said someone has to review my case. They will mail me some paper in the mail.
    does anyone had a similar case? How long does it usually take? I looked online it still says interview was scheduled.
    NB: I see some other people will have their oaths ceremony on Friday.
    Last edited by Max santos; 01-10-2024, 06:46 PM.




