Stay duration in US and India after receiving the GC on 6/30/2004.
No. of days present in US from 6/30/2004 to 10/1/2005 = 457 days
No. of days present in India from 10/02/2005 to 02/27/2006 = 148 days
No. of days present in US from 03/01/2006 to 07/14/2006 = 135 days
No. of days present in India from 7/14/2006 to 01/1/2007 = 171 days
No. of days present in US from 01/01/2007 to 01/24/2007 = 23 days
No. of days present in India from 01/25/2007 to 06/26/2007 = 153 days
No. of days present in US from 06/26/2007 to 07/13/2007 = 17 days
No. of days present in India from 07/13/2007 to 11/13/2007 = 113 days
No. of days present in US from 11/13/2007 to 11/19/2007 = 16 days
No. of days present in India from 11/19/2007 to 04/24/2008 = 157 days
No. of days present in US from 04/25/2008 to 05/26/2008 = 33 days
No. of days present in India from 05/26/2008 to 11/6/2008 = 164 days
No. of days present in US from 11/6/2008 to 11/19/2008 = 13 days
No. of days present in India from 11/19/2008 to 05/09/2008 = 171 days
No. of days present in US from 05/09/2008 to Till today = 605 days
Started working in US based MNC, offshore development center at India since Feb 3rd, 2006
I received reentry permit in 2006 but I was not used reentry permit as I was always visting US on company assignments for less than 6 months. I always stayed less than 6 months outside US.
While I was in India I was working for US based MNC
While I was working India, I maintained my US friend's home address as my US address for all correspondances.
I always filed income tax returns.
I am staying in US continuously since 5/9/2009
Based on the above information When do I meet Physical Presence requirements?
Also do I meet continuous residence requirements as I never stayed more than 180 days outside US ?
Do I face any other problems as I was visting US only for 2 to 4 weeks since 2007 but never stayed more than 180 days outside US.
Thanks for your reply.
No. of days present in US from 6/30/2004 to 10/1/2005 = 457 days
No. of days present in India from 10/02/2005 to 02/27/2006 = 148 days
No. of days present in US from 03/01/2006 to 07/14/2006 = 135 days
No. of days present in India from 7/14/2006 to 01/1/2007 = 171 days
No. of days present in US from 01/01/2007 to 01/24/2007 = 23 days
No. of days present in India from 01/25/2007 to 06/26/2007 = 153 days
No. of days present in US from 06/26/2007 to 07/13/2007 = 17 days
No. of days present in India from 07/13/2007 to 11/13/2007 = 113 days
No. of days present in US from 11/13/2007 to 11/19/2007 = 16 days
No. of days present in India from 11/19/2007 to 04/24/2008 = 157 days
No. of days present in US from 04/25/2008 to 05/26/2008 = 33 days
No. of days present in India from 05/26/2008 to 11/6/2008 = 164 days
No. of days present in US from 11/6/2008 to 11/19/2008 = 13 days
No. of days present in India from 11/19/2008 to 05/09/2008 = 171 days
No. of days present in US from 05/09/2008 to Till today = 605 days
Started working in US based MNC, offshore development center at India since Feb 3rd, 2006
I received reentry permit in 2006 but I was not used reentry permit as I was always visting US on company assignments for less than 6 months. I always stayed less than 6 months outside US.
While I was in India I was working for US based MNC
While I was working India, I maintained my US friend's home address as my US address for all correspondances.
I always filed income tax returns.
I am staying in US continuously since 5/9/2009
Based on the above information When do I meet Physical Presence requirements?
Also do I meet continuous residence requirements as I never stayed more than 180 days outside US ?
Do I face any other problems as I was visting US only for 2 to 4 weeks since 2007 but never stayed more than 180 days outside US.
Thanks for your reply.