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N400 Application - 913 inside the US, with very frequent travels. Do I have a chance?

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  • N400 Application - 913 inside the US, with very frequent travels. Do I have a chance?

    I've spent the past 5 years half inside the USA and half outside traveling. I do this because my wife still waits for her green card and because we love traveling and work from home. So counting back 5 years, I have exactly 913 days inside the USA, and 912 outside, which qualifies me for the physical presence requirement. Regarding continuous residence, I only have one absence bigger than 6 months (7 months 20 days), which was in 2020 in peak covid time, when I was literally stuck inside my home country because no flights flew and the borders were completely shut. I understand that this is a red flag and almost impossible to explain to USCIS but I accept the risks.

    My question is, I read somewhere that putting non-USA addresses in the section where you state where you have lived is a red flag and that I shouldnt do this. Is this correct? How do I proceed? Do I just list all the USA addresses with gaps inbetween? Do I contact an attorney? Also, how do I minimize the red flags? Field office is New York City.

  • #2
    Thanks for all the amazing answers


    • #3
      Personally I would enlist the help of an attorney on this, rather than take advice from people whose cases might not be the same as yours. Most will give you a free consultation and address these concerns out of the gate...and they will tell you straight up if its worth applying at this stage or waiting.


      • #4
        How do I find an attorney that would be experienced with these things?


        • #5
          HI! I just had my citizenship approved last Friday and my case is very similar with your case.
          943 days out.. the only thing that might be different is that I got stuck in Brazil but Ive been paying my tax, I had car insurance and everything in the states.
          Also, my max outside was 7 months also because of covid.
          so you might have a chance... I filled the n-400 myself and didn't get a lawyer.
          Good luck


          • #6
            Thank you brububabu for the information! I applied a week ago, hopefully I will hear back soon and it will be positive! Can I ask you which location or field office you were processed at?





