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Citizenship through Marriage questions

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  • Citizenship through Marriage questions

    Greetings to everyone.
    I just married to a US Citizen. My questions are>
    (1) The immediate green card that I'll be getting now will be a Conditonal Green Card?

    (2) If yes, then when after the condition is removed after 2 years from my green card, for how long will I have to wait to apply Citizenship? I know its 3 years if you are married to a US citizen. I want to know what will sum up to 3 years, i.e. Conditional Green Card after marriage + Without conditional green card + 3 more years= which will be 5 years, or the Conditional Green Card + One year more = 3 years.

    (3) What happens in case of a divorce by mutual understanding after 2 years but just before the citizenship?

    (4) What happens in case of a divorce after I'm granted citizenship. Will it be revoked/cancelled?

    Please clear my doubts in detail. I will be very thankful

  • #2
    Hey answers to your questions are
    1 yes first green card you are going to get is conditional which expires after 2 or 3 years
    2 if they decide to give you pernament green card then you can try for citizenship exactly 3 years after your conditional green card was granted which is about a year after you get permament depends on when you get your interview (in my case it was only few months)
    3 If you get a divorce then there is no way you can get citizenship on the base of marriage (you can try but most likely they wont give it to you)
    4 After you get your citizenship you can do whatever you want. Once you are citizen they cannot touch you. That is the end of the journey


    • #3
      Thank you so much my dear friend Bashee Thank you so much. So that means I can apply Citizenship exactly 3 years after having my conditional green card in hand..





