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When to file naturalization

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  • When to file naturalization

    I have been a Permanent Resident since 01/12/2007. When can I apply for naturalization? Can I do it myself?



  • #2
    If the naturalization rules do not change then you can apply 90 days prior to the date when you have been a 5-year permanent resident; based on your info, you will be a 5-year resident on January 12, 2012. So you could apply approximately on October 15, 2011 (please double-check the 90-day calculation since USCIS can reject your application even if you file just 1 or 2 days earlier than the 90 day period). To play it safe, I would send my application on October 17, 2011.

    If you have a straight-forward case (i.e., no arrests or any other trouble with the law, no break in continuous residency), the application is pretty simple and you can do it yourself. Please read the instructions of form N-400 carefully. All the necessary information is provided in those instructions.

    Note: I am assuming that you did not become a permanent resident through marriage to a US Citizen and that therefore you apply based on the 5-year residency rule.
    Last edited by nwctzn; 03-22-2011, 10:36 PM.


    • #3
      When to file naturalization

      Thank you very much for your detailed help.


      • #4
        Photos and Glasses for Naturalization

        Please help:

        I am near-sighted and wear glasses everyday. The photo shown on my Green Card has no glasses.

        My question is whether I can wear glasses for my Naturalization-required photos. I checked that the State Department's website says that "If you normally wear prescription glasses, a hearing device or similar articles, they may be worn for your photo".

        Please kindly share your thoughts and experiences.



        • #5
          I too need to wear glasses constantly, but I was asked to take them off for my naturalization photos.





