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Naming a new born in the US

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  • Naming a new born in the US

    We are wondering about naming our soon to be born baby.

    What exactly should be a middle name?
    Do we need to give him a middle name as per the American custom which will be his own name?
    Or, do we give him the father's first name, as the Indian custom?
    Or, do we add mother's last name as the middle name? (i have seen this in a few cases)

    As trivial as it may sound....since we don't have some 3 odd months to hold a naming ceremony and decide on these things, something that is done in India.....need some advice on this before hand!! This is going to stick with him/her for the rest of their lives.
    Thank you.

  • #2
    I am not from Indian origin but we named our son without a middle name. He has only a first name and a last name. We encountered several times that people got confused that he had no middle name when filling out some application forms but other than that we did not experience any disadvantage for him of not having a middle name. BTW, it does not have to stick with them for the rest of their lives since they can change their name per court order later (a little bit cumbersome but it can be done).





