My mother received her PR in 2002. She took 2 trips outside US for 260 days in 2003 and 328 days in April 2006 with INS permission. Both exceeded 180 days but below 1 year limit. Since 2006 however she has not taken any trips above 180 days. Here are her trips details
Date from Date to days
11/28/2002 8/15/2003 260
6/3/2005 4/27/2006 328
7/29/2007 1/11/2008 166
6/28/2008 9/20/2008 84
6/16/2010 11/19/2010 156
1. Is she eligible to apply for US citizenship? She has completed 5 years of residence requirement since April 2006.
2. n-400 form says to submit proof of residence etc. if you have taken trips more than 180 days since PR. What proof should she submit? She is 70 years old, does not work and stays with us.
Thanks in advance
My mother received her PR in 2002. She took 2 trips outside US for 260 days in 2003 and 328 days in April 2006 with INS permission. Both exceeded 180 days but below 1 year limit. Since 2006 however she has not taken any trips above 180 days. Here are her trips details
Date from Date to days
11/28/2002 8/15/2003 260
6/3/2005 4/27/2006 328
7/29/2007 1/11/2008 166
6/28/2008 9/20/2008 84
6/16/2010 11/19/2010 156
1. Is she eligible to apply for US citizenship? She has completed 5 years of residence requirement since April 2006.
2. n-400 form says to submit proof of residence etc. if you have taken trips more than 180 days since PR. What proof should she submit? She is 70 years old, does not work and stays with us.
Thanks in advance