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Qualifying Criteria

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  • Qualifying Criteria

    Hi All,
    We applied for my mom's naturalization and made an error in the number of days that she had been outside the USA. We got a denial stating that she had been outside the USA for 924 days and that she could not be outside for more than 913 days. Her dates of travel were:
    11/5/2009 9/7/2010
    4/29/2008 4/2/2009
    1/24/2008 4/3/2008
    8/11/2007 9/10/2007
    9/8/2006 3/7/2007 (adds up to 924 days)

    If we were to apply again on Sept 26th 2011, would be qualify? Or could they deny her again for a new reason?

    Also, her Green Card expires on October 19th 2011. So we are now confused if they could deny her on the grounds that her Green Card has expired (since it would take approximately 2 months to get the fingerprint and interview).

    What is the best route to take? Apply for naturalization and then apply for Green Card or do it simultaneously or other way around?

    Please help!

  • #2
    Per the USCIS, if your Permanent Resident Card ("Green Card") has less than six months of remaining validity, you must renew your card prior to filing an application for naturalization. You must submit a photocopy of your replacement Green Card when you apply to become a citizen.





