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n400 interview and results

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  • n400 interview and results

    hey people
    after a long wait i have received my interview letter --- it gonna be on the end of october, i hope any of you can help

    i had a job offer in london and i left for london 2 1/2 years back but i never severed my ties with the us, i made sure that i come back every 6 months, now the problem is i belive during the interview they would be asking me about my duration outside the us---do u think this could be the grounds of denial for an american passport,

    just to add i dont have nay criminal records or any parking tickets or any judgment pending against me or any other court cases we could think of lol-- do you think this could help in getting the approval, any tips about the new york uscis offices could be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

  • #2
    Since you were out of the country most of the time for the last 2.5 years, they will most likely ask that you prove that you have still ties to the US like a permanent address, bank accounts etc. Did you also file your taxes on time? Also, you might need to prove that your current job is temporarily out of the US and that you will eventually move back. So essentially you need to prove your intent that you will live in the US.


    • #3
      n400 interviews

      i still have all the attachments to the us ---for example i have bank accounts, driving license, tenency agreement, i didnt have to file taxes during that period because i didnt earn anything in the us, even the tax department website states that - if u have not earned anything or you have been unemployed or not made any profit or never depended on public funds for survival then requirement to file taxes during that period is deminished, above all that i have no cases or judgements or even parking ticket against me.

      i hope all this helps me in passing the interview and get the us passport


      • #4
        Originally posted by imodak View Post
        i still have all the attachments to the us ---for example i have bank accounts, driving license, tenency agreement, i didnt have to file taxes during that period because i didnt earn anything in the us, even the tax department website states that - if u have not earned anything or you have been unemployed or not made any profit or never depended on public funds for survival then requirement to file taxes during that period is deminished, above all that i have no cases or judgements or even parking ticket against me.

        i hope all this helps me in passing the interview and get the us passport
        Not sure about filing taxes since you work abroad. You need to file taxes on world income as far as I know. I would double-check with IRS. Also, as I wrote earlier, you need to prove that your current job is temporarily out of the US and that you will eventually move back. So essentially you need to prove your intent that you will live in the US.
        Last edited by nwctzn; 10-17-2011, 11:26 AM.





