Hi: Couple of questions:
I am ready to apply for my citizen ship. There is a question related to citation. WhaT does CITATION mean?
10YRS ago, when i was on leaners drivers license, i was driving my relatives car and hit Arby's the fast food shop...there was no arrest made or nothing . I don't even remember the date now as to when this happended. SHould i be mentioning about this under Good moral questions for question # D-16 ? Please advise what should i do.
Also, 2 yrs ago, while i was talking my car out of the garrage, at the same time my neighbour across my house was also talking her car out of the garage and we ran into each other with minor touches to each others cars, no injuries. She logged a report with the police station and finally it was decided that she was taking the car out in wrong direction... i was not given any warning or arrest. My insurance company took care of the rest for her... should i mention this under Good moral question # D-16. Please advise.
Thanks for help!
I am ready to apply for my citizen ship. There is a question related to citation. WhaT does CITATION mean?
10YRS ago, when i was on leaners drivers license, i was driving my relatives car and hit Arby's the fast food shop...there was no arrest made or nothing . I don't even remember the date now as to when this happended. SHould i be mentioning about this under Good moral questions for question # D-16 ? Please advise what should i do.
Also, 2 yrs ago, while i was talking my car out of the garrage, at the same time my neighbour across my house was also talking her car out of the garage and we ran into each other with minor touches to each others cars, no injuries. She logged a report with the police station and finally it was decided that she was taking the car out in wrong direction... i was not given any warning or arrest. My insurance company took care of the rest for her... should i mention this under Good moral question # D-16. Please advise.
Thanks for help!