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  • Citizenship

    I have green card since July 2007, I have been married to my USA husband since 2006, I know I qualify for citizenship based on 3 years being married but in 2010 we briefly split up but never divorced, we got back together again after 6 mths and worked out our problems, my question is, will this effect my citizenship application even though I will be a PR this July 2012 for 5 years?
    Also, my irish passport expired, I had to travel home due to my mothers illness on an emergency passport last Feb for a week, I renewed my passport but had to give back my emergency one, i photocopied my dates on emergency passport, will a photcopy do for citizenship interview?

  • #2
    If you are going to apply on your own eligibility (5 year period), your marital status should not be a problem. I am not sure if you need to submit your passport at the time of your interview. Good Luck!


    • #3
      Thank yu for the reply!!, yes I am applying based on 5 years status, as for emergency passport I think I will photo copy it and bring it with me for interview along with my other passports, I am very nervous but excited also, even though I cannot apply until mid April I have been learning all the civics questions, thank you again for your help!!





