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Washington DC Local Office - Naturalization Interview; Need help!

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  • Washington DC Local Office - Naturalization Interview; Need help!

    Disclaimer: Apologize for the lengthy post, but am looking for some serious help and guidance, hence the background
    I had my Naturalization Interview and tests last week (3/15 to be precise). I was taken to a room and asked to raise my right hand and swear I'd solemnly say the truth. After that, the IO asked me to have a seat. She asked me for my full name and also asked me if I'd want to change my name, for which I said no. Went through the N-400 application and started ticking my responses against my responses. The IO asked for my passport which I produced.She then asked me if I had left the country in the past 6 months and I said no. However, after leaving the premises, I remembered that I had taken a 3 day trip to Canada Last Thanksgiving which completely escaped my mind and also due to the fact that there was no entry made in my passport (I would have definitely remembered if there would have been an entry in my passport. Apparently, they dont put an entry in your passport if you cross the border by road and I did so at Buffalo and they just swipe your GC when you come back in). I guess I was extremely tensed and honestly it was not my intent to hide this trip at all. She then proceeded with the Test questions and for the first question, I answered wrong but immediately corrected myself but was told that only first response counts. After everything, the IO informed me that she had to do a more extensive review on my case before deciding and since the Oath wasn't the same day, not to worry. She also handed me a paper which said N-652 Naturalization Interview results and where it indicated that I passed tests of English and US history. Also, a box was ticked which said "A decision cannot yet be made about your application" and that I would hear back. When asked for the ETA, I was told 30-60 days.I also asked the IO if she needed any additional documentation like Birth Certificate, Marriage certificate etc and she said No, she already has them. I have a very clean record (no criminal record as I had a Fed Govt security clearance as well). Also a weird thing happened, an hour later after the interview I got a status update (email and text message) "On March 15, 2012, we mailed a notice requesting initial evidence in this case." and I thought I had submitted all documents. Hence I rushed back to the service center and the receptionist called my IO and was asked to make an InfoPass appt which I made for this Friday (3/23) and in the evening I got another case update "On March 15, 2012, we received your response to our request for evidence. This case is being processed at our WASHINGTON, DC location. " which was totally weird. I do intend to disclose to the officer when I have my appointment on Friday about my Canada trip. Should I or should I not? Also, should I get an attorney (since my response regarding trips outside the country was wrong and could be construed that I lied to an IO?)? I'm totally lost, please help me

    Thanks a lot!

  • #2

    How did your interview go? What ended up happening? I just came across your post! I hope all went well.





