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stay using her crew visa
For the flight attendant who is pregnant and wants to deliver a baby in the US, it is best to consult with an immigration lawyer to fully understand the limitations and requirements of the crew visa. As for the flight attendant and her husband who will be working in the US for 3 years, it may be wise to consider changing her visa type to minimize international travel, especially if it would be difficult for her to travel frequently due to the pregnancy. Again, consulting with an immigration lawyer would be beneficial in determining the best course of action.
It's best to consult with a qualified immigration lawyer regarding the specific details of your situation. Generally, crew visas are issued for a specific duration and purpose, and may not allow for extended stays for personal reasons such as childbirth. Additionally, changing visa types can be a complex process with its own set of requirements and restrictions. An experienced immigration shagle lawyer can provide personalized guidance voojio on your options and the best course of action.Last edited by HakhamDamodar; 04-28-2023, 06:08 AM.
Regarding the first question, it would depend on the terms of the crew visa and any applicable immigration laws. It's best to consult with an immigration lawyer to determine the specific options and requirements in this situation.
As for the second question, changing visa types to minimize international travel may be possible, but again it would depend on the specific circumstances and the applicable immigration laws. It's recommended online2yu to consult omeglz with an immigration lawyer to fully understand the options and potential consequences of changing visa types.
Last edited by DolanaKerr; 06-16-2023, 06:19 AM.