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Certificate police needed?

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  • Certificate police needed?


    I am a French native, who has been studying in Canada from September 2011 to April 2012, but applying from my current country of residency Hungary.
    Do I need to have a police certificate from there? It is really expensive, and the delays are long.
    I am confused between the 6 or 12 months period where it is supposed to be needed.
    From here ,http://travel.state.gov/contenthttps...it-to-nvc.html it seems I don't need to provide a police certificate for Canada.

    Anybody can give me an answer, please?

    Best regards,

  • #2
    New info

    Here they say http://travel.state.gov/contenthttps...ce-k-1.html#12
    What is the difference between the two link I sent? This one seems to be more correct..

    Anybody has idea?


    • #3
      Your two links appear to be describing police clearances for two different types of visas: K1 is a nonimmigrant visa, and police clearances are required to be taken to the Embassy interview.

      Your earlier link, to the National Visa Center, is describing requirements for police clearances for immigrant visas, and these are supposed to be submitted to the National Visa Center, before the case reaches your country for an interview.

      Historically, for any visa, whether immigrant or nonimmigrant (that can be converted to an immigrant visa, such as K1), six months or longer has been the timeframe for which police clearances are expected. State Department requirement descriptions often contradict each other for the same evidence, and reviewing staff (whether at the National Visa Center or at the Embassy interview) have discretionary authority to request whatever evidence they deem appropriate.

      My advice is to obtain clearances from your home country and from any other country in which you spent at least six months in last 10 years.

      Following is the State Department description of how to obtain police clearances from Hungary
      "...Police Records
      For immigrant visa application, citizens and residents of Hungary should obtain a Certificate of Criminal Record (Hatósági Erkölcsi Bizonyítvány)concerning their personal records from the Department of Public Administration and Electronic Services, Office of Criminal Records (Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala, Bunügyi Nyilvántartó Hatóság), mailing address: 1476 Budapest Pf.380.

      The application should be submitted on a request form available at the Hungarian post offices. The fee for the certificate must be paid on a postal cheque provided with the request form. The applicant should indicate on the request form that the certificate is requested for an immigrant visa application to the United States. Failing to indicate the correct purpose of the request may result in rejection of the Certificate of Criminal Record by the U.S. Consul or other immigration officials.

      Non-residents should apply for their certificates at the Hungarian Embassy or Consulate in the country of their residence. The certificate will be forwarded to the person requesting it by the Hungarian Embassy or Consulate. The Embassy may charge a fee for the service.
      --Ray B

      Originally posted by maluk View Post
      Here they say http://travel.state.gov/contenthttps...ce-k-1.html#12
      What is the difference between the two link I sent? This one seems to be more correct..

      Anybody has idea?





