My boyfriend and I are currently earning our masters degrees in Germany together. We met in our program and want to go back to the US together afterwards (program ends Oct 2016), on a K-1 visa. We're unsure about any extra hurdles we might face applying in Germany (there is a USCIS center in Frankfurt), or barriers that his nationality might present. Does anyone have experience applying for a K-1 visa in Germany, Europe, or anywhere outside the US? Or anyone with experience bringing a fiance from a developing country? Most stories I've read are between US and UK citizens, and let's face it, our case is going to face a lot more scrutiny. We're just wondering how we should go about applying for the visa and what sort of timeline we should keep in mind to get us to the US by October 2016. We are not yet engaged, but are planning to be by spring next year.
Any and all help would be appreciated!
Any and all help would be appreciated!