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K1 Visa form help

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  • K1 Visa form help

    Hi Everyone,
    I am a 23 yr. old guy from India. I have applied for US Visa twice and got rejected both times. Actually I love a girl from USA and we wanted to meet so I applied for a B2 visa giving her name and add. as she was financing me.
    I am currently studying Engineering and am in final year.I was recruited by a good company ( you get recruited as you are in final yr.) and the bond i made with the company states that I can continue the job only if I get training on various machines in USA for 6 months. So I applied for B1 visa but got rejected again.In the mean time I was very frustrated and I lost my job as the contract void as I couldnt get to have the training from company's main franchisee in USA. Also it affected my career and I couldnt pass my exam either.
    Now I want to apply for a fiance visa.I have filled the form and I have following queries :-

    1) In form G-325A, shall I state that I was employed? ( As I was employed and waited for Visa interview date for 3 months and then couldnt get visa for training according to the contract and lost the job)

    2) If I write the above details then do I have to write it in first row ? ( As I dont have a job now and am just waiting for my exams again and it says write present employment first ) and if not then what should I write as I am just studying now?

    3) If you think I shouldnt write about it as it'll create complications and it was never an employment according to contract( I was employed but I could be employee only if I finish the training successfuly) then will the visa officer ask me why did I apply for a B-1 visa last time?

    4) Also the space provided in the form to write address is not sufficient and my address is bigger and also I have changed my address just few months ago ...can we add extra supplement for addresses and is there any link for downloading example of extra supplement of addresses?

    However I will be applying after my exams and I will pass this time surely its just you know it takes so long for the marksheet to be printed and get in my hands since I will be an engineer and in final yr. the marksheet and stuff takes really long time.

    Thank you very much for your time and support I hope someone willhelp me.. thank you for your valuable time too for reading my post

  • #2
    no the past visa dennials dont take effect on K1..dont worry about this and
    1) Yes you should state ur previous employed...but state your present occupation first..if student write there name and address of school and date of attendence...,yes what is your present occupation state it first and than previous...

    2)you dont have a job this dosent matter write your school name and address

    3)Oh if it was not really a employemt than you should write your school details from secondary school to now...this is what i've done and this dosent make any issue..And Yes the officor might question you about previous visa be honest and be prepare for answer them..,

    4)yes you have to write all addresss u lived after 16 years age yes present adress state first...and you can use suppliments...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ars
      no the past visa dennials dont take effect on K1..dont worry about this and
      1) Yes you should state ur previous employed...but state your present occupation first..if student write there name and address of school and date of attendence...,yes what is your present occupation state it first and than previous...

      2)you dont have a job this dosent matter write your school name and address

      3)Oh if it was not really a employemt than you should write your school details from secondary school to now...this is what i've done and this dosent make any issue..And Yes the officor might question you about previous visa be honest and be prepare for answer them..,

      4)yes you have to write all addresss u lived after 16 years age yes present adress state first...and you can use suppliments...
      Hi Ars,
      Thank you very much for the time you have given to read my post and the quick reply and Thanks again for answering each and every question in so much details (It helped me a lot ).
      I am glad the past visa denials wont effect thanks a lot friend.


      • #4
        yes best of luck...be confident things gonna be fine


        • #5
          Thank you SO much Best of luck to you too for your career love and happy life





