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woman seeking citizenship in an unhappy marriage

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  • woman seeking citizenship in an unhappy marriage


    I could not find a forum for visa through marriage so I am posting here since it seems to be closest, but please do let me know if I need to move this thread to some other forum. A friend of mine wanted me to post this question for her. She is here in the States through her husband. Even though they are newly wed, she is being mistreated, but she is afraid of losing her chance to stay if she says anything. Her husband did all of her immigration application, and she thinks he may topido her chance of getting her Citizenship. Her permanent residency was just approved. She wants to know if her fear is valid; can she at least try to discuss the marriage situation with her husband without fear of him destroying her chance? What if he was not willing to work towards improving the situation? Is she going to be deported? What if the husband applies for divorce? Does this mean she will have to go back? What if he applies for divorce and contacts immigration with negative comments about her? I know I am asking a number of questions here, if you wouldn?t mind addressing which ever you can. If you address all it would be great. I greatly appreciate your comments.

  • #2
    Has she been here long to FILE for citizenship? I think you have to be here as a permanent resident 5 years before you can do so. Whether thats 5 years from the AOS or from the removal of conditions, im not certain, and you're not clear (you are using somewhat ambiguous terms)

    If she is a permanent resident (has gone through the removal of conditions), then no, he can not stop her and no she wont be deported. Shes here as a PERMANENT RESIDENT.

    And if she is scared of him, or he is abusive, she needs to get out.

    A Divorce court is not going to be concerned about any of this, assuming of course shes here legally. Even if shes not .... civil courts tend to stay away from matters like that. He can say anything he wants. Without PROOF.... its just words from a bitter man.

    For what its worth, he's financially responsible for her for 10 years, even if they get divorced. Those pesky financial documents he had to fill out. yup ... there's a reason for that.





