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Name of Birth Certificate and Passport

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  • Name of Birth Certificate and Passport

    I was reading this site's list of documents that I need to take to the US Embassy with me for my K1 interview, and for passport it mentions that the name on my birth certificate must match the name in my passport.

    My birth certificate shows my name as it was when I was born, with the surname of my biological father, but when I was 3 or 4 years old, my mother remarried and I took on the name of her new husband which is what shows on everything else I have (passport, drivers lisence, bank accounts).

    What should I do in this situation? Should I record my original birth name anywhere it asks for other names? What do I do about the mismatch in names on the birth certificate and passport? Would it help if I took my parents marriage certificate with me to show where the new name comes from?

    This seems to be the only possible problem I can forsee with my application. Any help or advice is much appreciated.


  • #2
    Taking the marraige certificate might help but it seems that, as well intended as your mother might have been, that was not a legal name change..........one cant just "take" another surname without going tru the legal channels...................if you have time, before you go to the Embassy contact your gov dept that deals with birth registration and ask what can be done.............you should also put the name in the "other names used" section


    • #3
      Originally posted by curiousone
      You should also put the name in the "other names used" section
      By the othe name, do you mean the name I have now, or the name on my birth certificate?

      Thanks for the help so far.


      • #4
        ..the name on the birth certificate.......since what you use now is your stepfathers name.............

        There should be agov doc that allows for name chnage but it will have to be recorded with the Dept/Registrar of Births in your country...........there is another doc, a legal name, which I know but unfortuantely simply cannot remmeber the name now...which is also used to record name changes........


        • #5
          This is aside...........but I'm curious, how did you get a pasport with a different name since you had to show your birth certificate?


          • #6
            Thanks for the advice. I've done the following digging around to try and work out how I have gone from the legal name on my birth certificate to the stepfathers name. I have come up with the following:

            Born as "abc", and that is recorded on birth certificate.
            Biological patents divorce, mother remarries, and I assume name of step father.
            Now use the name "xyz"
            Apply for passport as "xyz" using the following rule: (taken from UK Citizens Advice):
            "You do not need legal proof that you have changed your name, provided that you can be identified by your new chosen name. However, there are some circumstances, for example, applying for a passport, when additional evidence of the change of name is required. The evidence required varies depending on the purpose for which it is needed and can include:-
            a letter from a responsible person" I got a local judge to notarize my passport application under the "xyz" name.
            Passport given under "xyz". This is used as ID to obtain EVERYTHING else as "xyz". Taxes, employment, credit, drivers lisence etc.

            I have looked into a legal name change (if this is necessary, I may have to get in touch with an immigration lawyer), and found that a retrospective deed poll (legal name change) can be done for a name change done as a child:
            "If you are applying for a Deed Poll for a name change that happened in the past (when you were a child for example) please enter on the application form your previous name in the current name boxes and your current name in the new name boxes. This will ensure the correct name change appears on your Deed Poll document."

            So it seems I have gone with a name I have been notarized to use. Like I said, I'd be best to check with either the Consulate or an immigration lawyer about how much evidence I need to show of this name.

            Thanks for the help.


            • #7
              DEED Poll ........that was the word I was trying to remember........

              Thats not strictly an immigration issue though so any attorney can do it for you or you might be able to do it yourself since you already know what form to use. Why not go to the court or Registrar of Birth office and get the form and do it.

              I think you should do it though becasue you just never know at what point in the future you might be in a situation where the discrepancy becomes an issue and also whats going to transpire at the Embassy and since youre there now...........





