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possible reasons for denial

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  • possible reasons for denial

    I have recently filed a fiance petition and I was curious as to what are some of the reasons given for denials. I hired a lawyer because I want to make sure all the paperwork is correct and complete. She is currently living in the UAE but a Philipino national, will that delay the process?. What are some of the questions they are going to ask her during the interview process? Do I need to fly over there for the interview? Anyone who has had a similar experience , I would be interested in your comments. Thanks


  • #2
    The most common reason for denial is inability of the fiancee to prove the two of you have met. Other than than, missing documents can cause a delay but not an outright denial. You do not need to go to the interview. In fact, many consulates don't allow you to be in the intervew. Many interviewing officers, unfortunately let their personal views affect the interview and will try to discourage the fiancee.





