I would like to know if anyone had any experience with obtaining waiver for meeting requirement (medical hardship) in K-1 visa. I am US Citizen and also a physical disable person and completely wheelchair bound. Met my fiancee (she is physical disable also) online and we are in love and want to marry. She is in India and I will be filling K-1 for her to bring her to US so that we can get married. However one slight problem is we haven't met in person because for me traveling specially air travel is impossible as I am very limited in my mobility of my limbs. Anyways I would appreciate if someone can provide information whether I can obtain waiver of meeting requirements on the grounds of medical hardship (along with medical reports)? If yes, then what are the proper ways to file for waiver and what are the chances of being approved for it? If someone can help me with this as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate. Thanks.
I would like to know if anyone had any experience with obtaining waiver for meeting requirement (medical hardship) in K-1 visa. I am US Citizen and also a physical disable person and completely wheelchair bound. Met my fiancee (she is physical disable also) online and we are in love and want to marry. She is in India and I will be filling K-1 for her to bring her to US so that we can get married. However one slight problem is we haven't met in person because for me traveling specially air travel is impossible as I am very limited in my mobility of my limbs. Anyways I would appreciate if someone can provide information whether I can obtain waiver of meeting requirements on the grounds of medical hardship (along with medical reports)? If yes, then what are the proper ways to file for waiver and what are the chances of being approved for it? If someone can help me with this as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate. Thanks.