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Need urgent Help, with waiver of meeting requirement in K-1

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  • Need urgent Help, with waiver of meeting requirement in K-1


    I would like to know if anyone had any experience with obtaining waiver for meeting requirement (medical hardship) in K-1 visa. I am US Citizen and also a physical disable person and completely wheelchair bound. Met my fiancee (she is physical disable also) online and we are in love and want to marry. She is in India and I will be filling K-1 for her to bring her to US so that we can get married. However one slight problem is we haven't met in person because for me traveling specially air travel is impossible as I am very limited in my mobility of my limbs. Anyways I would appreciate if someone can provide information whether I can obtain waiver of meeting requirements on the grounds of medical hardship (along with medical reports)? If yes, then what are the proper ways to file for waiver and what are the chances of being approved for it? If someone can help me with this as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate. Thanks.

  • #2
    I think in your case it's possible to ask for a waiver of the requirement. The reason is written below under (2):

    From the instructions to the I-129F petition:
    "You and your fiancé(e) intend to marry within 90 days of your fiancé(e) entering the United States, and are both free to marry, and have met in person within two years before your filing of this petition unless:
    The requirement to meet your fiancé(e) in personwould violate strict and long-established customs ofyour or your fiancé(e)'s foreign culture or socialpractice; or
    It is established that the requirement to personallymeet your fiancé(e) would result in extreme hardship to you

    Then on page 2 it says what you have to do:

    "Provide copies of evidence that you and your fiancé(e) have personally met within the last two years;or if you have never met within the last two years, provide a detailed explanation and evidence of the extreme hardship or customary, cultural or socialpractices that have prohibited your meeting;...."

    So just file the petition for your fiancee like everybody else and include explanations, doctor's affidavits, medical records, fotos, etc. that can prove your claim, and then it should be fine.

    Good luck,


    • #3
      What if the destination doesn't have accessible transportation and/or places and you have power chair that cannot be folded or carried therefore outside of Airport you are stranded and manual chair is not an option due to severity of the disability? Wouldn't that be considered a hardship?


      • #4
        Originally posted by hrt4u2c
        What if the destination doesn't have accessible transportation and/or places and you have power chair that cannot be folded or carried therefore outside of Airport you are stranded and manual chair is not an option due to severity of the disability? Wouldn't that be considered a hardship?
        Just make sure that you give detailed explanations AND back it up with a statement from your doctor.....I would definitely try it, travelling really sounds like it would be almost impossible in your case

        Good luck,


        • #5
          Thanks everyone for all your helpful replies and advices. I think I will give it a try and hope for the best and at same time prepare for the worst too. But if anyone has more advice or ideas please keep it coming. Thanks everyone.


          • #6

            Not a bad idea also but isn't a sponsor required for Canadian visitor visa also (she knows no one in Canada)? She is not as restricted in physical limitation but traveling multiple times would not be a comfortable situation for her either.





