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Divorce Papers

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  • Divorce Papers

    If divorced more than once, are copies of all divorces needed? Or just the last one?

    Thanks for the previous responses,

  • #2
    Disclaimer:Not legal advise! Use at your own risk.
    N-400 Timeline San Antonio Office
    06/07/2009 - Sent Application
    06/10/2009 - Delivered.
    06/12/2009 - Check Cashed
    06/19/2009 - Rec NOA
    06/22/2009 - Rec Biometrics Appt Letter
    07/02/2009 - Biometrics Appt
    07/13/2009 - Rec Interview Letter Appt
    08/24/2009 - Interview Date
    10/13/2009 - Rec Oath Appt Letter
    10/22/2009 - Oath Ceremony
    10/26/2009- Passport App
    11/06/2009- Passport Received


    • #3
      K1 spouse with gambling problem... PLEASE HELP!

      I too have an immigrant wife who I plan to get deported! She came to the US on a K1 visa and by immigration law, we had 90 to marry which we went over. And we have never file for an adjustment-of-status. She is totally undocumented as an immigrant.

      We now have 3 children in our 15 year marriage. Almost as soon as she got off the plane, she developed, (or already had) a thing for bingo, lottery, then into casino. Even as early as being pregnet with our first child, she was in the bingo circuit. This was the start of her gambling addition. For anyone who knows what it's like to be married to an alcoholic or a drugger, a gambling addition is pretty much the same thing. Things like taking money out of our bank account that was ear marked for utility bills; staying out 2 or 3 days at a time; if there is a doctor's appt. for one of our children that is on the same days as her casino appt her casino plans would comes first; often when she does loses her (our money) she bring home bad feelings that can easily turn her into an arguing frenzy- even literally while our children are eat at the table, or on the rug doing their homework; she would beg (demand) that I take her to bingo locations even though I had taken her there 4 or 5 days in a row; at times, I would give her a large sum of money ($300, $500, $1,000), and after 3 or 4 days, she would be at me again asking for more money after giving it away; while I am on disability on a back injury she still ask for money to gamble with; she even used money from the county welfare cash benefit program and gave away $800; even on some Christmas years, I would give her $1,000 a week prior to Xmas (by her request) as a Christmas present and on Christmas day she would expect to receive another present, and when I didnt have one for her, she literally ruins Xmas day for our three children (who I had already spend all the money on) by harboring bad feelings that turns us into arguing. Even on a lot of birthday occasions.

      Even near the beginning of our marriage, she has made many repeated (threatening) statements like: "I want a divorce!" "I wish you would die!" "I hate you!" and degrading statements that belittles me in front of my children "sissy" "go back home to your mama" "F... your mother" etc.

      I dont drink, smoke, or use profanity even while having arguements with here. I have never been arrested before in my entire life.

      Just recently, we had (one of many) an argument that turn in to her screaming at everyone in the house that resulted into her pushing me in the presents of my children. To represent myself as a self respecting man, and as a protective father figure, I responded back by slapping her on the cheek. She fell down on the living room carpet, and acted like she just got hit by a truck. Next thing I know, I had 3 or 4 cop cars and an ambulance outside our house. I didnt have to go to jail because I had every right to defend myself, along with the fact that I have a clean police record. Not even a traffic ticket.

      From that incident, I went to the courts to get a restraining order against her and to have her removed from the house because she is now a threat to my children, because she knows that I might retaliate by looking to get her deported after trying to put me in jail over her spousal abuse "911call" in an effort to win alimony money.

      On our court date for the restraining order, I told the judge that our 15 year marriage has been ruin totally over her gambling addition, and that she is a K1 visa overstayer (no change of status filed) and that I plan on getting her deported. And I also gave the judge a couple of occasions where my wife introduced a ******* knife in a couple of recent arguments. One with her and my daughter, and one in an argument between my two boys over a beach ball of where she came into their bedroom with a large knife to resolve the issue by repeatedly stabbing the ball with the knife. After hearing our case, the judge gave her a two week moveout notice, and for me to pay $1200 a month. I didnt expect that to happen. I told the judge that I didnt have money to do that while on disability from my job. For some reason, I didnt like that decision of having to pay for her living place (gambling habit), and felt that it was a gender favortism issue. After getting little sleep, I woke up the next morning and realized that the judge saw something that I couldn't see at the time. The reason for here decision wasn't to favor my wife, it was an (unspoken) decision to protect my 3 kids. While being experienced as a Judge, she must have seen a potential for something really bad to happen if (when) I carryout my intentions of getting ICE to deport her. The judge must have calculated that the reason for my wife introducing a knife into arguments was my wife's way of showing me of what could happen if her name gets put on the plane ticket for deportation. This decision was protective decision.

      Thru out the years I tried scaring her by not sponsoring her for her GC unless she slowed down on the gambling, I tried to get her to go to marriage canceling. To this day, three homes later; our marriage (gambling) has gotten worse to where I have to get her deported, not for revenge but for the sake of my childrens upbrings and our family unity.

      What is a decent man and father to do? What is the easiest, quickest, and cheapest way to solve this problem?

      K1 sponsor with INS interview stories tell.


      • #4
        Originally posted by tman70043
        If divorced more than once, are copies of all divorces needed? Or just the last one?

        Thanks for the previous responses,
        need all divoece papers





