- I have a Brazilian fiancee'. I have several questions regarding I-129 process, which I have initiated. I have not yet actually submitted the petition. I have secured a local lawyer for my Fiancee' in Brazil. I do not want to hire a domestic lawyer if avoidable.
- Proof of having met in person within last 2 years
I have met my fiancee' many times over the last 2 years, ( 5 - 6 trips to Manaus, AM Brazil within last 2 years). However, The most significant evidence that I have are my travel Itineraries, photos together with my fiancee', and the passport stamps. I only have boarding passes from my last trip. I'd rather not clutter things up with superfluous documents if not necessary.
#2 Should I attempt to document multiple trips or is one documented trip sufficient?
#3 Is one well documented trip better than several trips with less documentation.
#4 Should I bother trying to document trips beyond 2 years ago?
- Letters of intent to marry, petitioner and beneficiary
I have these two documents completed already. My Fiancee's letter of intent was prepared by her lawyer and fairly well done.
#1 Do I really need additional evidence in support of our mutual intent to marry because I really don't have any. I have no pre-existing wedding plans. I live in Nevada so I can get married almost instantly. I really want to see how my fiancee adapts to the USA.
#2 If additional supporting evidence is necessary what is a good example considering that I do not have any wedding invitations, etc.
#3 I don't have much evidence of a relationship except photos and an itinerary for a vacation that we took together in Fortaleza. We only communicate via text message (no way to document) and telephone via phonecard (no way to document).