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aidez moi svp

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  • aidez moi svp


    Je voudrais vous expliquer mon cas concernant mon dossier d’immigration aux

    Etats-Unis (Visa mariage k3) et j’espère avoir des éléments de réponse pour

    toutes les questions que je me pose.

    En premier lieu, nous avons déposé une demande de visa K3 et cela en

    remplissant les applications suivantes : I 129F approuvées après une durée

    de 3 mois dont le délai d’expiration était juillet 2007, ainsi que

    l’application I 130 approuvée après une durée de 3 mois également. Par la

    suite j’ai reçu la lettre d’interview pour visa K1 (visa fiancé), détail que

    j’ai cru être une erreur de frappe et auquel j’ai pas donné beaucoup

    d’importance. Et donc je me suis présentée à l’interview, mais il s’est

    avéré que même au niveau du système du consulat la même erreur apparaissait

    (Visa K1 au lieu de Visa K3), ce qui a poussé l’officier consulaire de me

    poser certaines questions à savoir : Où est ce que j’ai rencontré mon

    fiancé? Cela fait combien de temps qu’on se connaît ?... Et donc j’étais

    amenée à lui prouver que c’est mon mari et ce en lui montrant notre acte de

    mariage. Ensuite, l’officier m’a demandé de revenir le lendemain pour

    récupérer mon passeport avec un visa k3 d’une durée de 2 ans.

    2 jours après le consulat m’a appelé pour me demander de me présenter suite

    à une erreur survenue dans mon dossier. Ce qui a impliqué l’annulation de

    mon visa (canceled without prejudice).

    Suite à tout cela, mon mari a contacté l’USCIS afin d’avoir des explications

    et il s’est avéré qu’on devait remplir l’application I 824 comme c’est

    mentionné dans le reçu d’approbation de l’application I 130 sans nous dire

    comment cette erreur a été commise.

    Bref, voici en gros mon problème et j’aimerai bien avoir des réponses pour

    les questions suivantes : Est-ce que je pourrais avoir une explication plus

    claire et détaillée de mon cas ? Est-ce que l’application I 824 est

    obligatoire dans mon cas ? Combien cette procédure pourrait prendre de temps

    ? Et est ce que l’application I 129 F est toujours valable vu l’expiration

    du délai ?

    Dans l’attente d’une réponse favorable, je vous prie d’agréer mes sentiments



  • #2
    Je ne parle pas le français.

    S'il vous plaît demander votre question dans l'anglais.
    Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.


    • #3
      help me please

      I would like to explain my case on my case to immigration USA (Visa marriage k3), and I hope have some answers for All my questions.First, we applied for a visa K3 and it filling in the following applications: I 129F approved after a period 3 months which expire time was in July 2007, and the application I 130 approved after a period of 3 months as well. For the subsequently I received the letter of interview for visa K1 (visa fiance), detail I thought to be a typing error and I have not given that much Important. So I reported to the interview, but he proved that even at the system level consulate the same error appeared (Visa K1 instead of Visa K3), which has pushed the consular officer that I Ask some questions including: Where do I met my Fiancé? For how long will we know? ... So I moved to show her that my husband and by showing him our act Marriage. Then the officer asked me to come back the next day to recover my passport with a visa k3 for a period of 2 years.
      2 days after the consulate called me asking me to introduce myself suite an error occurred in my file. This has involved the cancellation of my visa (canceled without prejudice). As a result of all this, my husband contacted the USCIS to have an explanation and it turned out that we had to fill out the application I 824 as is mentioned in the receipt of approval of the application I 130 without telling us how this mistake was made. In short, here in my big problem and I would like to have answers to the following questions: Could I have an explanation more clear and detailed in my case? Will the application I 824 is mandatory for me? How this procedure could take time ? And this is what I 129 F application is still valid given the expiry the deadline?

      In anticipation of a favorable response, and beg to my feelings


      Thank you.


      • #4
        Translation for Praetorian or anyone on behalf of jihane 418

        Originally posted by PraetorianXI
        Je ne parle pas le français.

        S'il vous plaît demander votre question dans l'anglais.
        This is a translation on behalf of Jihane 418.

        This post is to explain my situation with the file for my immigration to the US (Marriage Visa K3). I hope that you’ll be able to answer all of the questions I ask myself.
        First, my husband and I requested a K3 visa by filing the following applications:
        • I129F approved after 3 months, expiration date: July 2007,
        • I130 approved after 3 months.
        Then, I received a letter for a K1 visa interview that I attributed to a typo, a detail to which I didn’t consider important.
        I went to the interview, finding out that even at the consulate, the same error showed up (K1 instead of K3), prompting the consulate official to ask me such questions as to where and how long I had known my fiancé.
        To prove that we were married, I showed him our marriage certificate.
        The official asked me to come back the following morning to get my passport back with a K3 visa valid for 2 years.
        2 days later, the consulate called to ask me to come back because of an error in the processing my file.
        That led to the cancelling of my visa (without prejudice).
        After all that, my husband contacted USCIS to obtain some explanations. We found out that we had to fill out an I824 as mentioned in the approval receipt for the I130 without any explanation about how the error was made.
        Would you please answer the following questions if possible?
        • Could I obtain a clearer and more detailed of my case?
        • Is the I824 mandatory in my case?
        • About how long for this process?
        • Is the I129F still valid considering the expiration of the time limit?

        Hoping to get a favorable answer, I thank you for your help.


        • #5
          thank you very much jean louis for your help


          • #6
            You're welcome.

            Originally posted by jihane_418
            thank you very much jean louis for your help
            My pleasure. Bonne chance.





