My fiance and I are filling out the G325A biographic info document.
We are stuck on just a couple of things.
1. Applicant's employment last five years.
-Because my fiance has been a student over the past five years, he has had many odds and ends jobs. Do they all need to be mentioned? Are they worth mentioning? If he does mention all, does a separate sheet of paper need to be attached listing them?
-Does he mention that he is a student under employment to explain the reasoning for his various jobs?
2. Applicant: complete this box.
-At the bottom of the G325A there is a bolded box for the applicant to fill out. Would I (the petitioner) be the applicant or is that him (the beneficiary)?
3. Also, this might not be a big deal, but does the paper size need to be 8 1/2 x 11 inches? My fiance is from France where the paper size is different than here in the States.
Thank you thank you to whomever responds! Your advice will help put my mind more at ease in this crazy process!
We are stuck on just a couple of things.
1. Applicant's employment last five years.
-Because my fiance has been a student over the past five years, he has had many odds and ends jobs. Do they all need to be mentioned? Are they worth mentioning? If he does mention all, does a separate sheet of paper need to be attached listing them?
-Does he mention that he is a student under employment to explain the reasoning for his various jobs?
2. Applicant: complete this box.
-At the bottom of the G325A there is a bolded box for the applicant to fill out. Would I (the petitioner) be the applicant or is that him (the beneficiary)?
3. Also, this might not be a big deal, but does the paper size need to be 8 1/2 x 11 inches? My fiance is from France where the paper size is different than here in the States.
Thank you thank you to whomever responds! Your advice will help put my mind more at ease in this crazy process!