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Filling out G 325A...Help!

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  • Filling out G 325A...Help!

    My fiance and I are filling out the G325A biographic info document.

    We are stuck on just a couple of things.
    1. Applicant's employment last five years.
    -Because my fiance has been a student over the past five years, he has had many odds and ends jobs. Do they all need to be mentioned? Are they worth mentioning? If he does mention all, does a separate sheet of paper need to be attached listing them?
    -Does he mention that he is a student under employment to explain the reasoning for his various jobs?
    2. Applicant: complete this box.
    -At the bottom of the G325A there is a bolded box for the applicant to fill out. Would I (the petitioner) be the applicant or is that him (the beneficiary)?
    3. Also, this might not be a big deal, but does the paper size need to be 8 1/2 x 11 inches? My fiance is from France where the paper size is different than here in the States.

    Thank you thank you to whomever responds! Your advice will help put my mind more at ease in this crazy process!

  • #2
    1. You can attach a separate sheet. Just put (SEE ADDITIONAL SHEET) and then title that extra sheet:
    Applicant's employment last five years continued

    2. Both petitioner and beneficiary fills out their own G-325a (4 pages each) so your application will have 8 pages of G325a in all.
    The bolded box would have your name on your form and beneficiary's name on his/her form.

    3. I would think that the paper size isn't an issue.


    • #3
      thanks nichole....
      it is likely that i am stressing over nothing, but i would rather be safe than sorry.


      • #4
        Nicole, why would there be 4 pages each for the G325a?


        • #5
          Originally posted by blooandme
          Nicole, why would there be 4 pages each for the G325a?
          they are duplicates, and go to different places within USCIS.

          Just fill them out (the 1st page) using a computer, all the other pages will be copied with the info from the 1st page. Then print them all.
          Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.


          • #6
            Thank you. I've made a mistake, so I guess they will send me back my packet. I only completed 1 G325a for each of us, and now he has left the country. How could I be so stupid???


            • #7
              Originally posted by PraetorianXI
              Just fill them out (the 1st page) using a computer, all the other pages will be copied with the info from the 1st page. Then print them all.
              And sign/date them all too blooandme.


              • #8
                one more question...
                being that i am attaching additional employment information, do i need to worry about four copies of that as well?


                • #9
                  what additional employment information? as far as I recall the G-325a does not ask for anything.

                  in the event it does and I need to refresh my memory... then one (1) copy of each document will suffice.
                  Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.


                  • #10
                    the G325a requires employment history for the past 5 years. being a student my fiance had odds and ends jobs making it necessary to attach an additional page of job info...
                    thanks for all of the help and advice!


                    • #11
                      G 325a question

                      I mailed my package on May 24, 2008. I have now noticed that I did not submit all of the forms for the G 325a, I only completed one for me, and my fiance completed his before he left the country. Will they return the entire packet to me or since I enclosed the documents showing that he has worked in the US before and copies of his employment card, social security card, and his birth certificate, is it possible they will process it without the other copies of the G 325a?

                      I was hoping that since he was already in the US for two years, and held employment, while he tried for asylum case they would process our packet faster..





