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Im student in Uk, can my fiancee in usa on student visa sponsor me to visit her?

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  • Im student in Uk, can my fiancee in usa on student visa sponsor me to visit her?

    Hi there sir/Mam,
    well im on student visa in uk from last 2 years, and my fiance who is in usa on student visa i wanna visit her for one week so i need to know few things
    1- im pakistani on student visa in uk can my fiancee whose nationality is pakistani aswell and shes on student visa in usa can sponsor me to visit here (by sponsor mean she only send me her details which ill show in embassy as a prove that shes my fiance, ill bare my expenses by myself)
    2- which form ive to fill in to apply for this visa, is it gonna be non immigrant visa form or any other form because there are so many categories on usa embassy website
    3- which documents ive to attach with my application

    please answer these question as soon as possible if u dont know the answer can u refer me to someone who can answer it

    will be so thanksfull for ur help

  • #2
    All countries have 2 catagories of visas: Sponsored (in the US, it's called petitioned) and unsponsored.

    In the US, although invitation, bank and income letters, etc. from someone in the US may help, they are not required, because visitor visas are unsponsored or non-petitioned visas. Burden of qualification is entirely on the applicant. Visitor visas are non-petitioned, non-immigrant visas. Any document that shows "strong ties" to the country you are living in will help.

    US is the only country in the world that routinely and unlawfully denies petitioned or sponsored visas.
    Last edited by Amir; 09-06-2008, 07:33 PM.





