Hi, my case I129f was returned from the U S Embassy in The Dominican Republic to Vermont for review in january 2007. AccordinG to the Embassy, the reason was because the evidence i brought to the interview was not enough to prove that my relationship with my fiance was real. when i came back to america, I met an immigration specialist and she adviced me to appeal the case. We sent packages with all my evidence to Vermont, Washington DC, NH and to the Embassy in The Dominican Republic. in August 5 2007, I i recieved a mail from the USCIS of Vermont saying that my case was under review and that i was supposed to recieve an notice or a decition on my case within 120 days. As you all can see, its over one year already and they can not come up not even with a date of when it would be solve or if they need more information from me. Not to mention that i filed this case in 2005 and after it was approved they have been giving me all the hard time that there is. It seems to me that they do with our cases whatever they want and no what we as US citizen deserve to recieve. It also seems to me liKe abuse of power or autority. In some Embassies they don't ask you 2 questions but, in others we need to wait 3 times the time its suppose to take and go to 4 or 5 interviews before we get what we are looking for.
watching the news this morning it seems that some frustrated people went and attacked an US EMbassy in Yemeni i think it was.16 PEOPLE ARE DEAD SO FAR. thats the point am trying to make. People are frustrated and disappointed by the way the Embassies are handling our petitions. i was even accused of fraud by the people who interviewed me. they also did it in writing. i have everything here. i was thinking to file a complain in Washington DC but first i wanted to know what you advise me to do and what you think i should do in this case.
more info:
i am 29 years old and my fiance is 23. none of us have ever been merried or devorced before. we have this relationship since 2001. i have tons of proof or evidence to back me up on that. i have been traveling every year to see her, some times twice at year.
i had never esponsor anybody to come to US. she had never been sponsored nither.
i have been thru pain and suffering over this situation and aslo i have spent most of my savings trying to solve this matter.
I have thought of going back and get merried but i have been told that since there is an accusation against us they might deny the case. i don't know what to do.
watching the news this morning it seems that some frustrated people went and attacked an US EMbassy in Yemeni i think it was.16 PEOPLE ARE DEAD SO FAR. thats the point am trying to make. People are frustrated and disappointed by the way the Embassies are handling our petitions. i was even accused of fraud by the people who interviewed me. they also did it in writing. i have everything here. i was thinking to file a complain in Washington DC but first i wanted to know what you advise me to do and what you think i should do in this case.
more info:
i am 29 years old and my fiance is 23. none of us have ever been merried or devorced before. we have this relationship since 2001. i have tons of proof or evidence to back me up on that. i have been traveling every year to see her, some times twice at year.
i had never esponsor anybody to come to US. she had never been sponsored nither.
i have been thru pain and suffering over this situation and aslo i have spent most of my savings trying to solve this matter.
I have thought of going back and get merried but i have been told that since there is an accusation against us they might deny the case. i don't know what to do.