To Whom It May Concern,
I have been reading your web site and while it has been very helpful, in some ways it is too generic. In my particular circumstances, I am an american citizen who wishes to bring my Thai fiance with her adopted daughter to america where we will be married and we will live. I have followed the information in your web site in great detail but I am still confused. I cannot tell if the K1 visa process covers all other areas or not. For instance, after we complete the K1 visa process and get married, we then have to adjust we also pay fees for that or is that part of the K1 fiancee visa?
I cannot tell what processes are "stand alone" and what processes are joined to other processes. Could you be more clear?
Thank you.
I have been reading your web site and while it has been very helpful, in some ways it is too generic. In my particular circumstances, I am an american citizen who wishes to bring my Thai fiance with her adopted daughter to america where we will be married and we will live. I have followed the information in your web site in great detail but I am still confused. I cannot tell if the K1 visa process covers all other areas or not. For instance, after we complete the K1 visa process and get married, we then have to adjust we also pay fees for that or is that part of the K1 fiancee visa?
I cannot tell what processes are "stand alone" and what processes are joined to other processes. Could you be more clear?
Thank you.