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Fiancee visa AR VS. previous refused tourist visa applications

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  • Fiancee visa AR VS. previous refused tourist visa applications

    Hi, everyone.Please help me with my problem regarding on my K1 visa application by giving some explanation and suggestions of what I'm going to do.

    My fiance in New York filed a K1 visa petition for me and it was approved by the USCIS on 8th of August 2008.My case was forwarded to NVC then Bangkok.I had my interview at the U.S Embassy in Bangkok on the 17th of October but unfortunately I was refused to receive the visa because according to the Consul he was not still convinced of our relationship. He handed to me the white form indicating the 221g. The consul put my case as Administrative processing and he said he'll give it to his colleague to give a final decision.I was just surprised that he refused me but I was honest answering all his intrusive questions.

    On the 21st of October and November 12th, I submitted the further evidences of our relationship but nobody interviewed me yet.Yesterday, I had my second interview with another Consul and he looks like Hispanic.He got all the information about my fiance and me. I was honest answering to his many questions but the last questions he had, he compared my K1 application to my previous tourist applications.I've been applied twice on a tourist visa but I was refused.He found out that I made fraud to my previous application.On my first application, my fiance told me to write on my application that my purpose of coming to the United states is to claim the asset but I did not have the asset to claim there.Then on my second application, I wrote there that I will pay for my trip but he was the one to pay for my trip.I was very dependent to my fiance so whatever he told me to write on my application, I wrote them.We never thought the consul was so strict on this.My real purpose at that time is to meet my fiance's family then come back to Thailand and get married with him but we thought that the consul might not give me the tourist visa if I'll tell him that I'll meet my fiance there so we came up to write the false statement on my applications.

    After the interview the consul concluded that my case is still in the Administrative review and he'll put it on the Fraud Unit.I told him, that I was honest answering to his questions to my new applications and why was it my previous applications affected to my new application.I told him it should not be but he said it will really affect.

    My question is, if I wrote on my previous applications the false statement, will it really affect on my K1 visa? Will they barred me from entering in the U.S because I made mistake on my previous tourist applications?Why do they have to put my new case to the Fraud Unit? In fact I told him honestly about our intimate relationship of my fiance.How long do I have to wait to solve this case?Is there any chance for me to get my K1 visa.

    I really loved my fiance though there's a huge gap of our age.We had lots of commitment with each other like house etc.We always pray for my visa everyday.We missed our wedding in October, I missed to celebrate the Thanksgiving.On these special holidays, he was expecting for me to come and get married with him in October but it did not happen.I really want to spend my Christmas and New Years with him this year.He's living alone in New York and I'm living alone in Thailand.I want us to be together soon but I don't know how to make our plans come true despite of the difficulties that we encountered at the embassy.They're giving us a hard time.

    Please help.Thank you.
    How does refuse B1 application affect to my K1 application?
    What will happen if your case put in a Fraud Unit?
    Is there any chance for me to get the K1 visa?

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