‡Checklist for I-864 (filed by WILLIAMS,MARY)‡
Part 4 Information on the Sponsor
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A/ in the appropriate space.
[ ] This section must be completed by the (sponsor/joint sponsor)
[ ] Your country of domicile has not been specified.
Part 5 Sponsor's Household Size
[ ] The number on Line 21a does not equal the number of applicants listed in Part 3.
[ ] The number provided on Line 21b should be 1.
[ ] The number on Line 21c must be 1 if you are married.
[ ] The number provided on Line 21g does not equal the number of people listed in Part 24b who have
submitted Form I-864A.
[ ] The number provided in part 21h does not equal the sum of the numbers in Lines 21a through 21g.
[ ] The sum total of Lines 21a, 21b, 21c, 21d, 21e and 21g should be equal or greater than the number of
dependents reflected on the most recent tax return. Therefore, this section must be amended to reflect all
individuals claimed on the Federal tax return, or include an explanation of why these individuals have ceased
to qualify as dependents since the return was filed.
Part 6 Sponsor's Income and Employment
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A/ in the appropriate space.
[ ] The nature of your employment/self-employment has not been specified.
[ ] It appears that the employment information on the form does not correspond to the information
provided in the submitted documents.
[ ] This part has not been appropriately completed.
[ ] ___________________________________'s current individual annual income is not listed on Line 23.
[ ] ___________________________________'s income listed on Line 24a does not match the income
listed on Line 23.
[ ] The information regarding Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your
household has not been appropriately completed.
[ ] ___________________________________'s name and income should be added to the I-864 under
Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household.
[ ] The amount listed on the Total Household Income line does not equal the sum of the amounts listed on
the preceding lines.
[ ] ___________________________________'s income indicated on the I-864 Part 25 does not
correspond to that shown on the most recent tax return and W-2(s).
Part 7 Use of Assets to Supplement Income
[ ] The number provided on the line for the household member's assets does not match the amount listed
on Line 12d of the household member's Form I-864A.
[ ] The number provided on the line for Total Cash Value of Assets does not equal the sum of the assets
Part 8 Sponsor's Contract
[ ] On Line 30, the (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not correctly filled out his/her own name in the blank, "I, _______________________________ certify…".
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not signed his/her name on the appropriate line.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not dated the appropriate line.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor)'s signature must be original.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor)'s signature must be in blue or black pen.
____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
‡Checklist for I-864 (filed by BROWN, WAYNE )
NVC has reviewed the financial evidence submitted. However, additional information is required to
complete the financial evidence review. The checklist below indicates missing or incomplete
documents. In order to make corrections you will need to download a new form at
www.ImmigrantVisas.state.gov. You will need to complete and submit a new form with the changes
noted below. Please provide all requested documents and refer to page two for mailing instructions.
[ ] ___________________________________ (sponsor/joint sponsor) must complete and submit an I-864.
[ ] ___________________________________ (household member) must complete and submit an I-864A.
[ ] ___________________________________ (intending immigrant/sponsor) must complete and submit
an I-864W.
[ ] A photocopy of the principal applicant's I-864 and I-864A (if applicable) is required for each
accompanying dependent listed in Part 3 of the I-864 and Part 2 of the I-864A (if applicable). Copies
of supporting documents are not required for accompanying dependents.
[ ] This form must be completed by typewriter or in blue or black ink.
[ ] Please be advised that you, as the Petitioner, do not appear to meet the minimum income requirement
according to the current poverty guidelines to sponsor the intending immigrant(s) for this petition. The
consular officer will make a decision regarding this requirement at the time of your interview. In order to
avoid delays, you may wish to submit an additional Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) for a Joint Sponsor to
the National Visa Center to assist in sponsoring the intending immigrants. To view the current poverty
guidelines, visit http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/I-864P.pdf.
Forms Missing or Incomplete
[ ] We are missing form I-864 from ___________________________________. Please have all necessary items
corrected and forward it to the visa applicant so it may be presented at their final interview. If you need a
new form, please go to www.ImmigrantVisas.state.gov to download a form and complete instructions.
[ ] We are missing form I-864 from ___________________________________. If you need a form, please visit
www.ImmigrantVisas.state.gov to download a form and complete instructions.
[ ] If you have returned your original form to us, these are the items that are still incorrect or missing. If you
need another form, please visit http://Travel.state.gov/visa/visa_4354.html to download a new form and
complete instructions.
Supporting Documents missing or incomplete
[x] You as a joint sponsor have not provided proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful permanent resident status.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not provided proof of U.S. domicile.
[ ] It appears that there is no proof of current employment (a recently dated job letter or pay stub), or
self-employment status (a recently dated letter on business letterhead or a business license).
[ ] A written statement/explanation is required if you are/have been unemployed, retired or dependent as to why
tax returns were not filed.
[ ] The listed income tax documents/IRS statements for the years marked below are missing/incomplete (if you
have lost any of the requested tax information, contact your local IRS office to obtain a copy) (Only Federal
returns (not state or local) are acceptable unless the sponsor's income was earned in Puerto Rico.)
• Schedules are missing for the year(s): [ ] 2008 [ ] 2007 [ ] 2006 [ ] 2005.
• Federal income tax returns, literal printouts from IRS (RTFTP) or a Letter 1722 issued by the IRS are
missing/incomplete for the year(s): [ ] 2008 [ ] 2007 [ ] 2006 [ ] 2005.
• W-2 forms are missing/incomplete for the year(s): [ ] 2008 [ ] 2007 [ ] 2006 [ ] 2005.
[ ] You have not enclosed an explanation of why you were not required to file income taxes under Federal tax
laws for any/all of the 3 most recent tax years.
Residence outside of the U.S. or retirement does not exempt a U.S. Citizen or LPR from filing a
Federal tax return. Individuals who were required to file Federal returns but failed to do so are advised to file late
[ ] You must provide a copy of your most recent tax return from the country in which you filed if you are exempt
from filing income taxes under U.S. Federal tax laws for the most recent tax year.
[ ] You have not attached the proof of ownership and value of each of the following assets:
[ ] Savings/checking accounts [ ] Real Estate [ ] Stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit and other assets.
Part 1 Basis for filing Affidavit of Support
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not correctly filled out his/her own name in the blank "I
___________________________________, am the sponsor...".
[ ] Only one box should be checked.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not correctly checked one of the boxes.
[ ] If the sponsor is not the petitioner, then the sponsor is the "joint sponsor" and should check either
box d or e.
[ ] If the sponsor is a substitute sponsor, then the sponsor should check box f.
Part 2 Information on the principal immigrant
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A in the appropriate space.
[ ] The biographic information provided in this part does not match the principal applicant of the
associated petition.
Part 3 Information on the immigrant(s) you are sponsoring
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A in the appropriate space.
[ ] Not all accompanying derivative family members have been listed.
[ ] Family members are not allowed in this section under this visa petition. The sponsor should complete
a separate I-864 for each family member.
[ ] The number on Line 10 does not equal the number of applicants listed in Parts 2 and 3.
____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
‡Checklist for I-864 (filed by BROWN, WAYNE )‡
Part 4 Information on the Sponsor
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A/ in the appropriate space.
[ ] This section must be completed by the (sponsor/joint sponsor)
[ ] Your country of domicile has not been specified.
Part 5 Sponsor's Household Size
[ ] The number on Line 21a does not equal the number of applicants listed in Part 3.
[ ] The number provided on Line 21b should be 1.
[ ] The number on Line 21c must be 1 if you are married.
[ ] The number provided on Line 21g does not equal the number of people listed in Part 24b who have
submitted Form I-864A.
[ ] The number provided in part 21h does not equal the sum of the numbers in Lines 21a through 21g.
[ ] The sum total of Lines 21a, 21b, 21c, 21d, 21e and 21g should be equal or greater than the number of
dependents reflected on the most recent tax return. Therefore, this section must be amended to reflect all
individuals claimed on the Federal tax return, or include an explanation of why these individuals have ceased
to qualify as dependents since the return was filed.
Part 6 Sponsor's Income and Employment
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A/ in the appropriate space.
[ ] The nature of your employment/self-employment has not been specified.
[ ] It appears that the employment information on the form does not correspond to the information
provided in the submitted documents.
[ ] This part has not been appropriately completed.
[ ] ___________________________________'s current individual annual income is not listed on Line 23.
[ ] ___________________________________'s income listed on Line 24a does not match the income
listed on Line 23.
[ ] The information regarding Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your
household has not been appropriately completed.
[ ] ___________________________________'s name and income should be added to the I-864 under
Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household.
[ ] The amount listed on the Total Household Income line does not equal the sum of the amounts listed on
the preceding lines.
[ ] ___________________________________'s income indicated on the I-864 Part 25 does not
correspond to that shown on the most recent tax return and W-2(s).
Part 7 Use of Assets to Supplement Income
[ ] The number provided on the line for the household member's assets does not match the amount listed
on Line 12d of the household member's Form I-864A.
[ ] The number provided on the line for Total Cash Value of Assets does not equal the sum of the assets
Part 8 Sponsor's Contract
[ ] On Line 30, the (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not correctly filled out his/her own name in the blank, "I,______________________________ certify…".
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not signed his/her name on the appropriate line.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not dated the appropriate line.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor)'s signature must be original.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor)'s signature must be in blue or black pen.
____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
Part 4 Information on the Sponsor
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A/ in the appropriate space.
[ ] This section must be completed by the (sponsor/joint sponsor)
[ ] Your country of domicile has not been specified.
Part 5 Sponsor's Household Size
[ ] The number on Line 21a does not equal the number of applicants listed in Part 3.
[ ] The number provided on Line 21b should be 1.
[ ] The number on Line 21c must be 1 if you are married.
[ ] The number provided on Line 21g does not equal the number of people listed in Part 24b who have
submitted Form I-864A.
[ ] The number provided in part 21h does not equal the sum of the numbers in Lines 21a through 21g.
[ ] The sum total of Lines 21a, 21b, 21c, 21d, 21e and 21g should be equal or greater than the number of
dependents reflected on the most recent tax return. Therefore, this section must be amended to reflect all
individuals claimed on the Federal tax return, or include an explanation of why these individuals have ceased
to qualify as dependents since the return was filed.
Part 6 Sponsor's Income and Employment
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A/ in the appropriate space.
[ ] The nature of your employment/self-employment has not been specified.
[ ] It appears that the employment information on the form does not correspond to the information
provided in the submitted documents.
[ ] This part has not been appropriately completed.
[ ] ___________________________________'s current individual annual income is not listed on Line 23.
[ ] ___________________________________'s income listed on Line 24a does not match the income
listed on Line 23.
[ ] The information regarding Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your
household has not been appropriately completed.
[ ] ___________________________________'s name and income should be added to the I-864 under
Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household.
[ ] The amount listed on the Total Household Income line does not equal the sum of the amounts listed on
the preceding lines.
[ ] ___________________________________'s income indicated on the I-864 Part 25 does not
correspond to that shown on the most recent tax return and W-2(s).
Part 7 Use of Assets to Supplement Income
[ ] The number provided on the line for the household member's assets does not match the amount listed
on Line 12d of the household member's Form I-864A.
[ ] The number provided on the line for Total Cash Value of Assets does not equal the sum of the assets
Part 8 Sponsor's Contract
[ ] On Line 30, the (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not correctly filled out his/her own name in the blank, "I, _______________________________ certify…".
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not signed his/her name on the appropriate line.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not dated the appropriate line.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor)'s signature must be original.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor)'s signature must be in blue or black pen.
____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
‡Checklist for I-864 (filed by BROWN, WAYNE )
NVC has reviewed the financial evidence submitted. However, additional information is required to
complete the financial evidence review. The checklist below indicates missing or incomplete
documents. In order to make corrections you will need to download a new form at
www.ImmigrantVisas.state.gov. You will need to complete and submit a new form with the changes
noted below. Please provide all requested documents and refer to page two for mailing instructions.
[ ] ___________________________________ (sponsor/joint sponsor) must complete and submit an I-864.
[ ] ___________________________________ (household member) must complete and submit an I-864A.
[ ] ___________________________________ (intending immigrant/sponsor) must complete and submit
an I-864W.
[ ] A photocopy of the principal applicant's I-864 and I-864A (if applicable) is required for each
accompanying dependent listed in Part 3 of the I-864 and Part 2 of the I-864A (if applicable). Copies
of supporting documents are not required for accompanying dependents.
[ ] This form must be completed by typewriter or in blue or black ink.
[ ] Please be advised that you, as the Petitioner, do not appear to meet the minimum income requirement
according to the current poverty guidelines to sponsor the intending immigrant(s) for this petition. The
consular officer will make a decision regarding this requirement at the time of your interview. In order to
avoid delays, you may wish to submit an additional Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) for a Joint Sponsor to
the National Visa Center to assist in sponsoring the intending immigrants. To view the current poverty
guidelines, visit http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/I-864P.pdf.
Forms Missing or Incomplete
[ ] We are missing form I-864 from ___________________________________. Please have all necessary items
corrected and forward it to the visa applicant so it may be presented at their final interview. If you need a
new form, please go to www.ImmigrantVisas.state.gov to download a form and complete instructions.
[ ] We are missing form I-864 from ___________________________________. If you need a form, please visit
www.ImmigrantVisas.state.gov to download a form and complete instructions.
[ ] If you have returned your original form to us, these are the items that are still incorrect or missing. If you
need another form, please visit http://Travel.state.gov/visa/visa_4354.html to download a new form and
complete instructions.
Supporting Documents missing or incomplete
[x] You as a joint sponsor have not provided proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful permanent resident status.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not provided proof of U.S. domicile.
[ ] It appears that there is no proof of current employment (a recently dated job letter or pay stub), or
self-employment status (a recently dated letter on business letterhead or a business license).
[ ] A written statement/explanation is required if you are/have been unemployed, retired or dependent as to why
tax returns were not filed.
[ ] The listed income tax documents/IRS statements for the years marked below are missing/incomplete (if you
have lost any of the requested tax information, contact your local IRS office to obtain a copy) (Only Federal
returns (not state or local) are acceptable unless the sponsor's income was earned in Puerto Rico.)
• Schedules are missing for the year(s): [ ] 2008 [ ] 2007 [ ] 2006 [ ] 2005.
• Federal income tax returns, literal printouts from IRS (RTFTP) or a Letter 1722 issued by the IRS are
missing/incomplete for the year(s): [ ] 2008 [ ] 2007 [ ] 2006 [ ] 2005.
• W-2 forms are missing/incomplete for the year(s): [ ] 2008 [ ] 2007 [ ] 2006 [ ] 2005.
[ ] You have not enclosed an explanation of why you were not required to file income taxes under Federal tax
laws for any/all of the 3 most recent tax years.
Residence outside of the U.S. or retirement does not exempt a U.S. Citizen or LPR from filing a
Federal tax return. Individuals who were required to file Federal returns but failed to do so are advised to file late
[ ] You must provide a copy of your most recent tax return from the country in which you filed if you are exempt
from filing income taxes under U.S. Federal tax laws for the most recent tax year.
[ ] You have not attached the proof of ownership and value of each of the following assets:
[ ] Savings/checking accounts [ ] Real Estate [ ] Stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit and other assets.
Part 1 Basis for filing Affidavit of Support
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not correctly filled out his/her own name in the blank "I
___________________________________, am the sponsor...".
[ ] Only one box should be checked.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not correctly checked one of the boxes.
[ ] If the sponsor is not the petitioner, then the sponsor is the "joint sponsor" and should check either
box d or e.
[ ] If the sponsor is a substitute sponsor, then the sponsor should check box f.
Part 2 Information on the principal immigrant
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A in the appropriate space.
[ ] The biographic information provided in this part does not match the principal applicant of the
associated petition.
Part 3 Information on the immigrant(s) you are sponsoring
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A in the appropriate space.
[ ] Not all accompanying derivative family members have been listed.
[ ] Family members are not allowed in this section under this visa petition. The sponsor should complete
a separate I-864 for each family member.
[ ] The number on Line 10 does not equal the number of applicants listed in Parts 2 and 3.
____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
‡Checklist for I-864 (filed by BROWN, WAYNE )‡
Part 4 Information on the Sponsor
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A/ in the appropriate space.
[ ] This section must be completed by the (sponsor/joint sponsor)
[ ] Your country of domicile has not been specified.
Part 5 Sponsor's Household Size
[ ] The number on Line 21a does not equal the number of applicants listed in Part 3.
[ ] The number provided on Line 21b should be 1.
[ ] The number on Line 21c must be 1 if you are married.
[ ] The number provided on Line 21g does not equal the number of people listed in Part 24b who have
submitted Form I-864A.
[ ] The number provided in part 21h does not equal the sum of the numbers in Lines 21a through 21g.
[ ] The sum total of Lines 21a, 21b, 21c, 21d, 21e and 21g should be equal or greater than the number of
dependents reflected on the most recent tax return. Therefore, this section must be amended to reflect all
individuals claimed on the Federal tax return, or include an explanation of why these individuals have ceased
to qualify as dependents since the return was filed.
Part 6 Sponsor's Income and Employment
[ ] This section is incomplete, please answer all questions completely.
If a question is not applicable, please indicate N/A/ in the appropriate space.
[ ] The nature of your employment/self-employment has not been specified.
[ ] It appears that the employment information on the form does not correspond to the information
provided in the submitted documents.
[ ] This part has not been appropriately completed.
[ ] ___________________________________'s current individual annual income is not listed on Line 23.
[ ] ___________________________________'s income listed on Line 24a does not match the income
listed on Line 23.
[ ] The information regarding Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your
household has not been appropriately completed.
[ ] ___________________________________'s name and income should be added to the I-864 under
Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household.
[ ] The amount listed on the Total Household Income line does not equal the sum of the amounts listed on
the preceding lines.
[ ] ___________________________________'s income indicated on the I-864 Part 25 does not
correspond to that shown on the most recent tax return and W-2(s).
Part 7 Use of Assets to Supplement Income
[ ] The number provided on the line for the household member's assets does not match the amount listed
on Line 12d of the household member's Form I-864A.
[ ] The number provided on the line for Total Cash Value of Assets does not equal the sum of the assets
Part 8 Sponsor's Contract
[ ] On Line 30, the (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not correctly filled out his/her own name in the blank, "I,______________________________ certify…".
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not signed his/her name on the appropriate line.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor) has not dated the appropriate line.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor)'s signature must be original.
[ ] The (sponsor/joint sponsor)'s signature must be in blue or black pen.
____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________