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K3 visa

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  • K3 visa

    Good Day, i am married to US sitizen (military) and have an interview for Green Card in few months, but i was out of the US for couple of years and we do not live together (he has a girlfriend already).

    The question is: is it possible to get a green card even if we not living together but doing if so (we filled out all neccesary document and so on)? and how l long can i stay in US after divorce? my K3 visa expires on 11/30/2010.

    If he is military, how hard could be the Interview, and do i have a chance to get a green card? he is on deployment in Afganistan right now and comming home in 2 weeks before the interview. He lives in VA, and i am currently in DC, coz my AA.

  • #2

    Hi Nuxa
    Do not file divorce before you get your green card. you have to remain married for three years i think. firstly you will get conditional green card which is valid only for two years and then your husband has to file to remove conditional and file for permanent green card. after that think of getting divorce.
    once you get your permanent green card, you can divorce and stay in USA as long as you want.
    if your marraige is voilence and abusive, you can get green card through WAWA Petition.





