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K1 Visa

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  • K1 Visa

    Just anxious is all. My fiance and I have had our K1 petition approved 22nd June 2010.I have an account with USCIS so we have email alert and mobile alert on, it is a great help.
    They sent the letter and said it had been approved and if we did not hear anything in 30 days to call the hotline. My question is I am in Australia as I had to come back , could not stay in US more then 3 months. How long are we looking at to hear from US consulate for me to get this pack 3 and send in my documents to get my interview. I have everything ready here just waiting to hear from consulate in Sydney Australia.

    Time line-- Petition sent 22nd Feb received USCIS and receipt Number 9th March.
    RFE--11th June - sent info 15th June received 18th June

    Petition approved 22nd June 2010 Vermont Office.

    If anyone has any idea I would love to know as we have planned our wedding for the 11th September and I want to go home to my man so badly.
    Thanking you

  • #2
    Originally posted by barbarajlw View Post
    Just anxious is all. My fiance and I have had our K1 petition approved 22nd June 2010.I have an account with USCIS so we have email alert and mobile alert on, it is a great help.
    They sent the letter and said it had been approved and if we did not hear anything in 30 days to call the hotline. My question is I am in Australia as I had to come back , could not stay in US more then 3 months. How long are we looking at to hear from US consulate for me to get this pack 3 and send in my documents to get my interview. I have everything ready here just waiting to hear from consulate in Sydney Australia.

    Time line-- Petition sent 22nd Feb received USCIS and receipt Number 9th March.
    RFE--11th June - sent info 15th June received 18th June

    Petition approved 22nd June 2010 Vermont Office.

    If anyone has any idea I would love to know as we have planned our wedding for the 11th September and I want to go home to my man so badly.
    Thanking you
    They sent your case in NVC, and after thet they will send all papers in Embassy...We got aproved petitions 19.may, and 16. june I got letter from Embassy.. You can prepare documentations (police and birth certificate...proof that you can legal marry..Documents can t be older than 6 months). In letter, they tell you about medical exam, and when you do that, you will call Embassy, and make appoiment.... I call in monday and they told me interview is in fridey in same week..... I GOT THE VISA :-D


    • #3
      Re K1 visa

      Thankyou for the response I was hoping it would be positive. here in Australia they mail you your appointtment time after you have sent documents in. I have all my paperwork ready to go as I mistakenly sent it in in Jan but they returned it to me as they had not received 129f petition.
      At the time dd not realise the process for it all and it had only just started, so they wrote on my paperwork to return my documents when I hear from them after 129 approved. So fingers crossed I shoud hear something this week or next.
      Thankyou again I hope it is as quick as yours.


      • #4
        Re K1 Visa

        Just to let everyone know, my fiance in Augusta received our letter today(21/7) dated 15th July, stating that our petition had been sent to Australia and I should receive my letter in a week. The letter contained receipt number from USCIS, case number for consulate and the address of where I have to go in the city of Sydney. So as it is Thursday 22nd here already I am expecting my letter today or tomorrow.Then I will over night my papers and wait till they contact me for interview. Am so excited as I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our wedding is 11th September in Orlando Florida and it is all organised. So wish us luck and I wish everyone here luck with their petitions and their future lives with their partners.

        Oh in case anyone asks yes I have had medical and police report and have all my originals and copies as I looked all this up on the internet on the US consulate site and have it all completed.


        • #5
          re --K1 Visa

          Got email from my fiance this morning 27/07 here in Australia, forwarding on to me the instruction pack 3 from US consulate here in Sydney yay!!!!!!
          Have sent in all my paperwork express and now wait for my interview date.
          Fingers crossed this wont take long as our case is straight forward no kids involved just him and I.

          Can't wait!!!!!


          • #6
            Re K1 Visa

            Got my email today 29th July have my interview on 17th August in Sydney at 11 am. Need so take some paperwork in with me but it will be fine then I can go home and get married on the 11th September yay!!!!
            Cutting it fine but it's ok as I am all organised.






