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Wedding plans question during K1 visa interview

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  • Wedding plans question during K1 visa interview

    Hey guys. Me and my fiance had made wedding plans, but we only talked about it through chat and phone calls. We have no official documents yet, that means no wedding invitations yet, and we haven't made an agreement with venues, officiants, etc. We're planning to do that once I get to the US.

    If the CO asked me if me and my fiance made wedding plans already, should I say yes, and if they asked for proof, is it acceptable to show just the screenshots of us talking about it? Or should I say no?

  • #2

    In your situation, it's important to be truthful and transparent with the Consular Officer (CO) regarding your wedding plans. Saying "yes" and then only being able to present chat and phone call screenshots as proof could raise questions about the genuineness of your relationship and raise red flags.

    Instead, consider these options:

    1. Be honest: Explain that you and your fiancé have discussed and planned your wedding, but haven't formalized anything yet. This demonstrates genuine intention without misrepresenting the facts.

    2. Explain your reasoning: Briefly express why you haven't made official arrangements - perhaps waiting for your arrival, cultural reasons, or financial considerations. This adds context and shows genuine planning.

    3. Offer alternative proof: While chat screenshots alone might not be enough, consider gathering alternative evidence. Do you have photos of you together as a couple, travel reservations for your upcoming visit, or proof of shared finances? These can show a deeper connection and support your claims.

    4. Consult an immigration attorney: Depending on your specific situation, seeking professional guidance from an immigration attorney familiar with K-1 visas could be beneficial. They can advise you on the best approach and documentation to strengthen your case.

    Remember, honesty and open communication are key. Explain your situation
    truthfully, provide supportive evidence, and emphasize your future plans together.


    • #3
      Hey! It's great you're planning your wedding. While you definitely have plans (talking about it is a great first step!), for the K-1 visa process, they're looking for more concrete evidence.
      When the CO asks, be honest and say you have plans to get married, but explain you haven't booked anything yet because you'll be together in the US soon. Screenshots might not be enough proof, so focus on showing you have a real relationship.

      Here are some things you can mention instead:
      • Travel history: Show proof of past visits to each other's countries.
      • Photos together: Show pictures of you throughout your relationship.
      • Affidavits from friends/family: Have people who know you both write letters confirming your relationship.
      • Financial ties: Show joint bank statements or receipts if you have any shared expenses.

      Remember: Honesty is key. Be upfront about your plans and focus and on proving your genuine relationship.

      Here are some resources that might be helpful:
      Good luck with your wedding planning and visa process!


      • #4
        It's understandable to feel uncertain about how to respond during the K1 visa interview when asked about wedding plans. Since you and your fiancé have only discussed the wedding plans informally so far, without any official documentation, I would recommend being upfront and honest with the consular officer. Additionally, seeking advice from online forums or communities like might provide helpful insights from others who have gone through similar experiences.
        Last edited by mariakenneth; 05-03-2024, 03:26 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MamaXant View Post
          Hey guys. Me and my fiance had made wedding plans, but we only talked about it through chat and phone calls. We have no official documents yet, that means no wedding invitations yet, and we haven't made an agreement with venues, officiants, etc. We're planning to do that once I get to the US.

          If the CO asked me if me and my fiance made wedding plans already, should I say yes, and if they asked for proof, is it acceptable to show just the screenshots of us talking about it? Or should I say no?

          If asked, it's best to be honest and transparent with the consular officer. You can mention that you and your fiance have discussed wedding plans but haven't finalized any arrangements yet. Providing screenshots of your conversations as evidence of your intentions can help demonstrate your sincerity. Ultimately, the decision lies with the consular officer, so it's important to answer truthfully and provide any requested documentation to support your case.​


          • #6
            I wasn’t asked anything about ours. The interview was super short and basic. I had the invoice with me for the venue we have booked for a family celebration later in the year but wasn’t asked for that or any additional information https://9apps.ooo/​ .

            The most he asked about the wedding was what state my partner lives in and then ‘and you’ll get married there?’​
            Last edited by v1anii; 07-30-2024, 04:42 AM.


            • #7
              I think it's best to be straight with the Consular Officer. If they ask about your wedding plans, just tell them you and your fiancé have talked about it and plan to make arrangements once you're in the US. Screenshots of your chats can show you’re serious, but be ready to explain why you haven’t booked anything yet. By the way, if you need wedding suits when you get to the US, check out this site https://www.gentlemansguru.com/product-category/wedding-tuxedos/. It can also be counted as proof that you are taking the wedding seriously and not only for the Green Card.
              Last edited by russelgarner; 08-01-2024, 07:22 AM.


              • #8
                Be honest and transparent. Say you've discussed wedding plans extensively but haven't finalized details or made official arrangements yet. Screenshots alone might not be sufficient proof. Consider gathering other evidence like owespeedtest photos voojio, travel plans, or financial documents to strengthen your case.





