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H1B Visa stamping dates - Mumbai

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  • #16
    Guys please post here if you see more dates open up @mumbai for November..


    • #17
      dates between 11th - 20th november

      I have been checking for dates between 11th - 20th for Mumbai for 15 days now, nothing is available, did dates even open up in this time frame ? did anyone see any available dates in that time frame, I am going to be visiting mumbai that time, its freaking me out....


      • #18
        Originally posted by orangeanuj View Post
        I have been checking for dates between 11th - 20th for Mumbai for 15 days now, nothing is available, did dates even open up in this time frame ? did anyone see any available dates in that time frame, I am going to be visiting mumbai that time, its freaking me out....
        Looks like some dates opened up yesterday. Not sure if more will open


        • #19
          Trying to book dates between 19'th Nov-23'rd Nov.

          Hi Guys,

          I am currently located in Washingon, DC and i will be travelling to India between 8'th Nov till 2'nd Dec. I am trying to book the dates in 20'th Nov week. I am checking continuously but i dont see any dates after 9'th Nov. Would you be kind and post in this forum if you see the open dates between 19'th Nov-23'rd.

          I really appreciate your help.



          • #20
            Did any dates open today??


            • #21
              Originally posted by indian_guy0219 View Post
              Did any dates open today??
              Weren't there dates available yesterday (US today morning)? I booked mine on 15th visa, 14th OFC in Kolkata center.


              • #22
                Originally posted by abhishek78 View Post
                Weren't there dates available yesterday (US today morning)? I booked mine on 15th visa, 14th OFC in Kolkata center.
                No I have been checking every 2 hours today trying not use up the 10 attempts and I never saw any suitable date open up Mumbai. I am looking for dates between Nov 12th - Nov 27th.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by indian_guy0219 View Post
                  No I have been checking every 2 hours today trying not use up the 10 attempts and I never saw any suitable date open up Mumbai. I am looking for dates between Nov 12th - Nov 27th.
                  hmm...thought I saw some dates in that range in either Mumbai or Delhi yesterday (US) and decided to wait for Kolkata one.

                  Anyway, as I've already booked mine, cant check any date anymore. Sorry bro. Good luck with your dates, I'm sure you'll find one within your preferable range.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by abhishek78 View Post
                    hmm...thought I saw some dates in that range in either Mumbai or Delhi yesterday (US) and decided to wait for Kolkata one.

                    Anyway, as I've already booked mine, cant check any date anymore. Sorry bro. Good luck with your dates, I'm sure you'll find one within your preferable range.
                    Thanks hopefully I will, I am not sure at this time if more dates will open but I really want to go to India. I am trying to limit checking the website so as to not have my account locked!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by indian_guy0219 View Post
                      Thanks hopefully I will, I am not sure at this time if more dates will open but I really want to go to India. I am trying to limit checking the website so as to not have my account locked!!
                      I would suggest check US night time, when its opening of business time in India... Check in the US morning once and afternoon once. That's what I did at least. Coz it seems open date list comes from consulate to this new 3rd party. So if it's a batch job, then it can only happen few times max a day. So, no point checking every hour or so. Also I kept an eye on this forum to see if date opened up for any other consulate, which indicates that a new slot might've opened for your consulate too. Hopefully these will help you find a date soon.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by abhishek78 View Post
                        I would suggest check US night time, when its opening of business time in India... Check in the US morning once and afternoon once. That's what I did at least. Coz it seems open date list comes from consulate to this new 3rd party. So if it's a batch job, then it can only happen few times max a day. So, no point checking every hour or so. Also I kept an eye on this forum to see if date opened up for any other consulate, which indicates that a new slot might've opened for your consulate too. Hopefully these will help you find a date soon.
                        That's useful advice. Thanks Abhishek.


                        • #27
                          Mumbai Dates

                          Originally posted by darkie15 View Post
                          Hello All,

                          I don't see any dates being available between Nov 9th and entire December. Does anyone know what's going on? Are all the slots already full? I am travelling on Nov 9th and planned return tickets for Dec 2nd

                          Also, we can use this post to update everyone as and when things change, just like the post before specific to Hyderabad consulate.
                          Hi All, please keep posted on the dates, just checked a minute ago, the open dates at the start of Nov are also getting filled and no open dates for Dec yet.


                          • #28
                            Viewing Limit

                            I was checking the dates and i got an message saying i am reaching the limit of viewing this page.

                            What is this about?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by saketgune View Post
                              I was checking the dates and i got an message saying i am reaching the limit of viewing this page.

                              What is this about?
                              New system allows you to check date for ANY consulate only 10 times a day. I believe on 6th attempt you get the warning first. Once you reach 10 attempts, you need to wait til next day (I believe IST next day) to get your count reset.

                              My suggestion would be to check US morning, afternoon and night once each. And keep reading this forum frequently to see if any date opened for any consulate, which might mean same for your consulate. Then you can go and check availability immediately.


                              • #30
                                Mumbai English november / december

                                Can anyone post November and December dates available in Mumbai English please.






