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DS 160 Form filling- URGENT

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  • DS 160 Form filling- URGENT

    Hi All,

    It is VERY URGEBT, I have kept my DS 160 form on hold due to not slarity on following sections.

    I searched many sites but i did not get answers to some DS 160 related question. Can anybody give answer to following Question related to DS 160 form filling. It would be very supportive if anyboby provide the answer or opinion.

    (1) In ‘Passport section’ there is a question regarding Type of Passport, the options were – Regular, official, diplomatic and other. I think for normal people REGULAR option is ok? My Indian passport contain tpye P, what P stands for not mentioned in passport

    (2) Travel Information

    2.1 ) Intended length of stay – it is H1B visa, in I 797, 3 years has been mentione, on I797 it is written that valid from 11/26/2012 to 09/30/2015, So it would be 3 years?

    2.2) ADDRESS WHERE YOU WILL STAY: I contacted my prospective company in US, they told me write the company name and address, as soon as you will arrive we will arrange accomodation for you, IS THIS OKAY? ( and I dont have any other addtess, in the interview can we say VO if they ask, that Accomodation will be arrange with consultation with the employer)

    2.3) PERSON/ENTITY PAYING FOR YOUR TRIP? -There were four option Self, U.S. Petitioner, Other person, Other company/organization. US company has given me a direct employent, and filed the petition (in G28 document petitioner is written as US company name) So, should i write U.S. Petitioner or Other company/organization. I think U.S. Petitioner would be ok, becoze that company, offered me, filled my petition and pllaning for the Trip.

    (3) Present Employer information, – My present employer's address is long, which is not adjusted in the Space provided there ( Street name 1, Street name 2), Can I write basic important land mark only, would it be ok?

    (4) Phone number- what is the standart way of writting it – i.e. my company phone no is 022abcdefgh, if I write +9122abcdefgh, there is not a enough space to accomodate it in the form. 9122abcdefgh is ok? OR 022abcdefgh is OK?

    (5) Monthaly salary- should be write salary which is written on our monthaly salary sleep, before deduction or after deduction OR we have to divide our total annual package by 12.

    (6) EDUCATION Details -

    6.1) There is provision to provide Date initiated and Date completed…Where it is written to write in DD-MMM-YYYY mode.
    Generally we do not have the adject date of our high school or secondary school start and end date. I entered in the way of MMM/YYYY (while it was given DD/MMM/YYYY), when i submitted that page there was no error was appeared on the screen, month/year would be ok? or we have to write tentative date for each academic course, for degree and master.

    6.2) Foe education details, there is given provide information related to all Education institution which you have attended excepy elementary school. I search the web sites, in one web site, there is mentioned upto 11 year of education is considered as the Elemantary school. I have done primary school (1 to 7 class), Secondary school (8 to 10 class, becoze after the completion of 10th class we get SSC certificate, so i think 8 to 10 can be considered as Secondary school, am i write?), higher secondary school (11 & 12 the class, After 12th complition we get HSC certificate, so 11 + 12 would be higher secondary).
    As per above information I have to cat****ize my education in the following way, and i have to write in the following way in DS 160 form.
    a) Name of institution:- Secondary School
    Course of Study:- Academic
    Date of attensance from: DD-MMM-YYYY Date of Completion: DD-MMM-YYYY ( BUT WHAT TO write, GENERALLY WE DONT KNOW THE ADJECT DATE, MMM-YYYY would be
    OK? I tried MMM-YYYY, DS form is
    accepting this, I kepy DD blank)
    b) Name of Institution :- Higher Secondary school
    Course of study: Academic
    Date of Attendance:Mentioed as above
    c) NAme of Institution: UNIVERSITY (HereUniversity is ok?)
    Course of Study: Bachelore of ........
    d) Name of institution: University ( Again is it ok?)
    Course of Stury: Master of.......

    (7) Language can speak
    I wrote English, hindi, gujarati, would it be ok?

    (8) PHOTO UPLOAD: Through out the form, upload photo option was not can across, after the form in the review section it was writter ther PPHOTO WILL BE TAKEN AT THE ASC, what it mean?






