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H1 B Quota Question

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  • H1 B Quota Question

    Hey all,
    I am still confused regarding this quota thing. USCIS says that the quota (2006) has been reached

    1. what does Quota 2006 mean? is it for this year or the next year?
    2. when is the start date? have I got to start only on Oct 1, 2006 or earlier or later?
    3. say I apply for a H1 B assume April 1, 2006 (assume premium processing) then for which quota am I eligible for? do I start as soon as i get my approval or do I have to wait till Oct 1, 2006?

    This is really confusing...

    Please advice,


  • #2
    1. Quota 2006 is actually for Fiscal year (FY) 2006 i.e. Oct 1, 2005 - Sep 30 2006.
    2. What do you mean by start date? start date for what? for starting to apply for visa or for starting to work or what?
    3. With the current situation if you dont have a H1B visa, you cannot work until Oct 1, 2006. You can apply for an H1B visa from April 1, 2006 so that you can start working from Oct 1, 2006. But before Oct 1, 2006 you CANNOT work.





