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221(g) Experience

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  • 221(g) Experience

    Hello All,

    I wanted to summarize my experience with 221g. Mentally, I went through hell and even a single ray of hope was huge support back then. Hopefully, this post would provide same support to the applicants who are unfortunately undergoing 221g scrutiny.

    My Background: I came to US in 2004 (F1) for my Masters, which I finished in 2006 and continued with my PhD. I did a (last) semester of Co-op at an industry (when I was on CPT-OPT), who offered me a full time job in March 2011. I have been working on my H1B since then. Meanwhile, I finished my PhD in Nov 2011.

    In Dec 2012, I went home to visit my family and had my H1B stamping appointment (around Dec 15). I don't know why (its redundant too), but I was handed a Green slip and my application was rejected under section 221g. I was asked to submit documents (resume, research history, publications etc.) to the email address. This was a big blow for me; especially, because my, back then, girlfriend (current fiance) and my dog were in US and I was in India. I am sure, we all go through similar emotional state when something like this happens. But, here are the events and relevant timelines.

    Application rejected under 221g ~ Dec 17
    Documents emailed ~ Dec 21
    Number appeared on the list ~ Jan 8
    Submitted my passport ~ Jan 10
    Received passport with stamp ~ Jan 15
    Back to US with my girl and dog ~ Jan 26 (not even single question at immigration related to 221g)

    I was extremely concerned about Christmas and New year vacation, but my name appeared within 10 business days. There were two holidays and two weekends, but exactly after 10 business days, I was cleared. I do not know what played larger role; however, our lawyer thought that my educational and professional background might have played a huge role. During my MS and PhD I had about 21 publications and during my job I had 4 publications. I had perfect GPA and had presented my Doctoral research at various conferences all over US. My lawyer had asked me to press on these factors in the email to the consular. Based on my experience a few pieces of advice here:

    - Don't loose hope
    - Be honest with your resume, research, work and all other things
    - Highlight every single education and professional accomplishment (this is a big point)
    - This can be controversial, but believe in God. I had to provide mental support to my lonely girl, my sad parents and frustrated employer. I needed support too, and that's when I turned to God.

    I hope this helps or encourages at least one person; that is all I am looking for!


    Last edited by ashown; 07-02-2013, 01:40 PM.

  • #2

    Thank you AM
    I appreciate you trying to encourage us.

    Nice to know you are back with your fiancée.






